I wipe off my tears, hoping to result in not being humiliated.
"Faith I was looking for you so I called Z-Zoe and she said that you were at the hospital and" ,by then he starts bawling and I couldn't help but to bring his body close to mine. He squeezes me tighter and said, " I thought you were hurt " I look up at him and he seals it with kiss, my only reaction was to kiss him back. This moment couldn't be any more perfect.
"Faith Angelis, please report to room A13" The intercom blares from above us. I run off dragging Colin behind me. As I'm eager to see my mother I get cut off by a doctor in front of my moms door.
"Um, excuse me..I'm trying to see my mom. I'm her daughter." I say in the thought that the staff member thought I was an invalid guest.
"Y-you're mother did not make it. We have decided to unplug her from all of the devices and let all family members join for a blessing. You may come in with supervision." He said as he was trying to push all of the words out of his mouth.I tremble to the ground in disbelief, with Colin falling before me. He holds me tight as my tears trickle down to his arm.
"Mom!" I scream out.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I was never the perfect daughter. I'm sorry that I didn't take care of you better. I'm sorry I cut and burn. I'm sorry that when you would use to hug me I would fall asleep a-and I would drool on you and you would have to wipe it off, I laugh and sob hysterically. "I'm sorry."
"It's gonna be okay Faith, I have you. I won't ever let you go." Colin said picking me up slowly. Carrying me into my room A13.I stayed there all night without getting a blink of sleep. With Colin by my side. He fell asleep on my shoulder I lifted his head up and sneaked out of the room. Rushed to the bathroom and pulled out my pocket lighter. Lifting my black tights to find dozens of scars. I add a dozen more to the point where I can't feel my legs. I sit under the sink, sobbing. I decide to wipe my tears and hide my burns. I walk back into the room and plug in my head phones. Colin. Colin is here for me. I move closer to him and hold on. Never let go. Never.
Sorry for the huge delay...again. I suck a lot. Well hope you enjoy. And if you don't than maybe you should floss more.

Hello Internet friend
JugendliteraturA suicidal teen who..kinda..falls in love with an internet friend, the distance doesn't matter for these two, but one day something goes..well..a bit unexpected.|| TRIGGER WARNING||