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" We're here' Liam said as Louis pulled up in front of the huge building. I noticed how many students moved to and fro around the school which made me gulp down a heavy lump in my throat. I'm not sure I'm ready for this.

" Are you okay?" Harry's voice brought me back to reality and I nodded with a smile.

" Then why are your hands sweaty" he asked and I looked down at my hands and what he said was actually true. My hands get extra sweaty each time I'm super duper nervous.

" Uhmm... It's nothing"

" Are you nervous, girls?" Louis asked and Carter and I exchanged eye contact at the same time.

" A...a little b..bit?" Carter said and the boys turned their full attention on us.

" Hey it's gonna be okay, we believe you girls are gonna do just great" Liam said.

" Yeah, think of it, you'll make new friends, learn new things and well... That's it I guess" niall shrugged and I let out an audible sigh.

" Okay, I think we're ready" I said and the boys smiled.

" Love you both" Harry said.

" Love you too" I said then took a hold of Carter's hand and we both came down from the car. The boys couldn't get down because they didn't want to be mobbed by students that may be fans of them.

" Let's go" I said and we both made our way into the school and to be honest, it was so big.

" Where is the principal's office now?" I asked and Carter and I began to stroll around looking for the principal's office.

You might be wondering but the boys put Carter and I in the same school and she will be going to 5th grade while I'll be in the 7th grade.

" W..why a..re we walking...I..in circles?" Carter asked and I shrugged cause I didn't know where we were actually going to.

God please do something.

As my mind kept on wandering around, I bumped into someone by a mistake.

" I'm so sorry" I said then looked up to see a middle aged woman who had a little frustrated look on her face.

" It's okay" then she looked at us closely.

" Have I seen you two before?" She asked and I shook my head truthfully.

" We're new here" I said and she had a relieved expression then ushered us into an office that had stacks of paper on the table.

" You're welcome loves, I am principal Molly and you're both welcome to Rosefields school" she said with a small smile.

" Thanks" I bluntly said.

" So I guess you should be Ashley and Carter" she said pointing to the both of us. Has anyone ever told this lady it's rude to point?.

" Yes ma'am" I said then she typed something in the computer in front of us before handing over our books and schedule with our locker numbers.

Afterwards, Carter and I left the office.

" This i...is so heavy" Carter grunted and I chuckled.

" I think we have to get used to it"

" Carter" we heard someone call Carter's name. Looking back I noticed a familiar face running towards us.

" V... Violet" Carter said and then it hit me, Violet from the water park.

" Hey Carter " Violet greeted happily and Carter smiled .

" Hello" Violet waved at me and I just smiled.

" So where are you going to, Carter" Violet asked .

" C..class, 5th g..grade" Carter said and violet face brightened up.

" We're in the same class" Violet squealed and Carter sighed in relief.

" Come on, let's go to class... I'll help you" Violet said helping Carter with some books. Aww.

Then I was all alone by myself. How will I find my way through this school. Ugh.

As I was walking, I bumped into someone. What's up with me and bumping into people today.

I looked up at the person I bumped into and my eyes widened and my mouth apart.

" Ashley?"


So cliffhanger here I guess. thanks for reading btw . Love you all.

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