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Birdie's POV:

"Sorry, Master. I'll be in bed in one second—" My words die on my lips when I see where he is.

Reclining cooly back in our talking chair Master sits perched, a serious expression on his face.

I had been going to get water before bed, but I know our talking chair is serious. Using it doesn't mean something is wrong, but we don't use it unless we really need to talk.

Nothing big has really come up in the last month, I haven't gotten punished or anything and I've been taking my maintenance discipline well...

I've been good and I can't think of anything that could be wrong, but I still somehow feel like I am in trouble or that he is upset with me.

He gestures to the floor in front of his chair calmly with two fingers, not bothering to speak the command.

I shuffle to our talking chair to kneel, keeping my eyes down demurely. It isn't as much about being nervous as it is about wanting to show him my respect if he has been feeling a lack of respect from me.

Contemplating between silence and words, I settle for silence, allowing him to lead this conversation.

His palm passes over my head for a moment, keeping me a short distance from him before he grabs the back of my neck to guide me to have my cheek on his thigh. Master's hands are gentle—not that I expect any different—but just from his body language I question if perhaps he is not upset at all.

Maybe he just wanted to check in with me?

It has been almost a month since we returned from the Republic and we are just now getting into a routine again.

"Comfortable, Brea?" I hum softly, looking up timidly as he smooths my hair from my face. He tucks stray strands behind my ears, his gaze falling to my lobes as he caresses them between his fingers, fiddling with the new earrings he gave me a few weeks ago.

"Everything is alright, Master?" I don't mean to disturb our peace, but the need to ask won't leave me.

"Yes, everything is just fine, Little Bird. Everything is better than fine." He shifts and digs into his pocket for something. I can't see what it is until he places it right in front of my face. "Do you remember this?"

It's the jewelry box, the one I didn't pick when he decided to surprise me.

He continues as he sees the familiarity in my expression.

"I was pleased you picked the choice you did. I have to admit I did somewhat rig your choice... I thought this might be better given at a later time."

His words are cryptic and I struggle to understand where he is going with his conversation.

"I think now... would be that better time, Little Bird."

He places the box in my hand, wrapping my fingers around it before pulling away.

He cracks his hands, letting out how nervous he is.

Why is he nervous, did he get me nipple clamps or something? They don't usually frighten him, but I do know he has a hard time toying with my breasts now since he thinks of them having a different purpose, intended for our future children.

I feel bad he got me these even though it stresses him out—

Another pair of diamond earrings sparkle back at me and I gasp loudly, covering my mouth with my hand as my lips start to tremble.

It isn't the diamonds or any of that which makes this the sweetest gift anyone has a ever given me, it is the size.

I pick up the tiny little earrings, already able to picture them on our sweet baby girl.

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