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Birdie's POV

Hannah pats my head in a motherly gesture as she walks past her bed. "Comfy?" She asks me teasingly, seeing me strewn across her and Weston's bed, hiding from the kids.

"Yeah. Do you know what time Weston said he would be home?" I ask her with a sigh, fiddling with my hands as I try to keep myself from screaming out my impatience and nervousness.

What if no one showed up?

He wouldn't have taken this long if no one came, right?

He had several appointments though, so he might have had to wait to see if the other dominants might show.

Little feet stomp down the hall and I can hear the twins talking in their own little language about something. They are so fascinating.

"He said around five, so he should be back soon." Hannah tells me, sliding more freshly folded clothes into the dresser.

"Hannah, I'm so nervous."

She smiles and rolls her eyes at me, "You have nothing to be nervous about."

"You promise me none of them are really ugly?" I feel so horrible and shallow for caring about looks, but gosh darn it, I have to have some level of attraction to my dominant.

"I promise none of them are ugly. I actually thought some of them were pretty hot," Hannah says with a grin.

It is my turn to laugh now, "You can't say stuff like that when your married and have already been knocked up!"

"You sound like Weston now," she muses.

I can't hear Weston coming in, but I know he is home due to the loud cries from the twins. Their feet pound on the stairs as they run down and serenade him with greetings and squeals of joy.

Hannah sets the laundry basket down and I follow her downstairs. "There you are, Little Mouse," he says when he sees her, setting the twins down, so he can scoop Hannah into his arms, kissing her deeply.

The deepness of his kiss catches us all of guard and the twins go running, yelling complaints about their parent's lips touching. "Is everything alright?" Hannah asks him in concern when he pulls away.

My hands shake by my side, terribly anxious to hear about how the interviews went.

Weston smiles down at Hannah before looking up at me. "They went wonderful. I am just so happy to be back in the company of my beautiful wife."

I try not to roll my eyes at him.

He's always the romantic.

Hannah fawns over him and he takes advantage of her attention and kisses her again. "Weston, you've done enough baby making for months. Please tell me how it went?"

Weston and Hannah pull away again chuckling.

"Things were good," Weston tells me, extending a file out to me. I gasp and take it from him eagerly.

I open it, vigilantly looking over the documents to try and find something useful. There isn't much. Only some hand written notes and my profile and documentation. "There isn't anything in here. Did any dominants come?" I ask him, my lip start to tremble.

Stop it Birdie!

"I took out their applications in the car because I didn't want you to see them. Of course people showed up. You're so funny, Birdie," Weston says, walking by and ruffling my hair. Shrill cries echo from upstairs and Weston turns to Hannah. "Sounds like he's up. Did he go down easy today?"

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