Love Letter

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Birdie's POV

I trudge downstairs, rubbing my eyes tiredly. I have a toddler on each leg, but I'm too lazy to lean down and pick them up. "Up Bidie! Up!"

I smile at the nickname.


"Morning, Birdie." The familiar voice makes me jump a little.

"Mom! Dad! You're home!" The twins lose interest in me quickly when they see their grandparents.

I give my parents big hugs. It's only been a couple days since they left, but I still missed them. "Oh I missed you, Little One." My dad hugs me tightly and I squeeze him back with equal aggression.

"How was it?" I ask my parents, so excited to hear about their trip.

"Oh Birdie. It was so beautiful. The place we stayed at was gorgeous, just so gorgeous!" Mother gushes to me as she hugs me.

"Those are beautiful. Did you bring these back with you?" I inquire, the tropical flower arrangement catching my eye.

My mother smiles widely. "Those are Birds of Paradise..."

"I can't believe you brought them back. They are beautiful. Did Dad get them for you?" He's always such a romantic. I can't believe they brought them back though.

I pluck the card from the arrangement, wanting to know what he said.

To my Bird of Paradise,

I hope you slept well. I apologize again for our misunderstanding yesterday. I never wish to hurt your feelings and always seek to make you smile. I know this will not unshed your tears, but I sincerely hope this puts a smile on your face.

I hoped to find something exotic and beautiful. I wanted something that was your essence. This Bird of Paradise seemed fitting as it symbolizes vibrant character, faithfulness and passion, but I am afraid it still fell short of your glory.

We spoke last night of what I wanted as a dominant. I do not want my Little Bird with clipped wings. I want my Little Bird to be able to soar. Notice these Birds of Paradise are pruned to continue to grow. Only the dead flowers and leaves have been removed. I wish to be the type of dominant who helps remove the dead flower and leave, so that you may flourish and bloom in your full magnificence.

I hope to speak with you soon. I understand if you would like to take some time to reflect and decide if you would like to continue to see me. We may have made up, but that does not make you obligated to continue to peruse a relationship with me.

I have left my cell number for you to call at your pleasure. Good answer or bad, I still wish to speak to you and sincerely hope you choose to call me.

Thank you for yesterday and all the joy you've brought into my life.


I read the card over and over again.

My father's hand rests on my shoulder. "How are you? Weston said you and Ethan had a little miscommunication last night."

I nod and turn in his arms, hugging him tightly. I wish Ethan was here. I'm not upset or mad about last night anymore.

He explained he wasn't trying to compare me to his other submissives and that was all I was upset about.

"I miss him." Father rubs my back, leaning down and picking me up to set me in his lap. I hug him tightly. I've always been a daddy's girl. Well, since he adopted me.

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