Cuffs and Keys

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Birdie's POV

Ethan opens the door for me and I shuffle inside. "I'm going to have you undress, Little Bird." I turn around to look at him with wide eyes. He says it like we are having the most mundane conversation and not like this is a surprise.

I haven't even looked around his house yet. I'm barely in the door and he wants me to undress?

"You may leave on your panties and bra for now. Fold up the rest of your clothes and set them there on the bench," he continues nonchalantly, locking the door to the garage behind us.

Why is he locking the door?

Why is he having me undress?

I take a step back from him.

He turns and freezes when he sees me, surprised I'm not obeying.

I clutch my phone in my hand, my blood starting to pump through my ears as the situation sets in.

I'm here in his home, alone and not expected to contact anyone till tomorrow. He is much stronger than me and can easily over power me...

It's been a long time since I was scared of a man... my father worked hard to earn my trust for both himself and every other male...

I swallow hard, wondering if it would be over the top to call my dad or the police now.

"Little Bird?" Ethan questions and I take another step back from him.

He's going to hurt me.

"Why'd you lock the door?" I ignore him.

He glances from me to the door behind him. He puts his hands up defensively, not taking another step towards me. "No one else should be coming in through the garage. I always lock the garage door... you're not locked in at all. Come here, come undo the lock." He gestures me over, but my feet remain planted.

My heart pounds in my chest. I haven't had to really trust a man in years. My father always protected me and taught me that men could be kind and gentle.

Ethan has been kind and gentle too, but being alone with him and at his mercy forces me to rely on a trust that he doesn't have from me yet.

The memories from my past life—or the life before I was adopted comes to mind.

He's going to hurt me.

Ethan's words make sense, but the situation is still setting in. I'm completely at his mercy if he wanted to hurt or rape me.

I take a step back again.

I don't trust him.

I know I should have a reason not to trust him, but my fear of men from my early adolescences comes back with a force as I realize that I need to be able to trust him not to hurt me and I don't trust him like that yet.

"Are you scared? You don't have to be scared. Did I scare you because I wanted you to undress?" Ethan sounds concerned, slowly lowering himself to sit down.

When he sits, he doesn't tower over me and that helps calm my anxiety.

It's so stupid to be afraid of him. Just because he's a man, doesn't mean he is going to hurt me. I've had plenty of men in my life and I've been surrounded by boys during school and even soccer...

None of this changes though that I'm finally in a situation that I need to be able to trust him and I don't.

When I've been around other men they have either A: earned my trust, or B: I've been protected by someone that had already earned my trust.

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