The Rise and Fall

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Birdie's POV

I don't know why I'm such an idiot, but maybe I won't regret my moment of courage as much as I anticipate.

Ethan's hand stays in my hair, leading me into the closet. When I had accepted his offer to spank me more, I had thought he would do it right there.

I had not anticipated for him to have me get half dressed before snatching me by my hair to take me into the closet.

The back of my head stings as he keeps a firm grasp on the hair on the back of my head.

The slight pinch of pain isn't what I expected being dragged by my hair to feel like, but then again, he isn't really dragging me, marching me in front of him.

He flicks on the light, releasing my hair for a moment.

We are both still dripping wet, but he doesn't seem to care. He hooks his foot around a padded shoe bench and pulls it away from the wall.

"Kneel." I drop down, barely down on my knees before he grabs my thigh and lifts it up in the air, forcing me over the bench, bottom up.

My heart beats behind my ears, my senses heightening as more adrenaline pumps through me.

My toes curl and my foot jumps up to try and cover my bottom as a string spreads through the opposite cheek he had been reddening before.

"Naughty, Little Bird. You keep your feet away, do you understand? You're going to take everything I give you." A small squeak leaves my throat as another hit rains down on my behind.

"Naughty, naughty, naughty," he hums, pacing around me. My breath stutters out as my attention is averted from the sting in my behind to his feet as they pass by me.

I don't know what distracts me so much about his feet, but my mind drifts off, more concerned with the path his feet make as he paces around the bench to disappear behind me.

His fingers run over my bottom, making my back arch to expose more of my behind to him. Ethan chuckles softly, patting my tush in a friendly manner.

"Can I cane you, Little Bird?"

Cane me?

The offer is both frightening, but oh so tempting. I want to know how it would feel. I want to know the sting, the pain. I want to know how it would look. Would he let it bruise?

It's scary, canes can be very painful. I like the pain sometimes though... Ethan will be careful with me. "Yes, Master Ethan."

"Such a very good, Little Bird! I'll make your bottom nice and pretty. Maybe if you're feeling generous, you'll let me see the lines left on your behind when I take you to work?"

So he did have intentions to let it bruise.

"How could I turn you down when you've been so magnanimous towards me, Master?" I tease lightly.

He chuckles, stopping behind me to massage my bottom. I relax, his hands pleasurable even when he isn't spanking me.

He leaves for a moment to return with a cane. He lets it dangle by his side, lifting it to run the tip down my spine for a moment.

The atmosphere around us has changed drastically, no longer playful. "What's your safeword, Little Bird?"

"Red and mercy..."


The air is sucked from my lungs momentarily and I arch up, the impact of the hit felt all the way up my spine.

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