Stay or Go

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Ethan's POV:

"You're taking longer than usual..."

Birdie's head pops up at my comment.

"I'm sorry, Master. I didn't know you were waiting," Birdie apologizes timidly, rushing over to hand me my coffee.

"I wasn't... I just want to know what was bugging you." Her distractedness concerns me more than having to wait for my coffee.

"I was just thinking... Do you like my parents?" I tap my pen on my desk, looking my Little Bird over.

"Your birth parents I assume?" She nods, fiddling with my coffee cup once I set it down. "I like them... I'm wary, but I think they really love you... I think they are just really anxious to get to know you.

"Did they say something to upset you, Little Bird? I don't think they meant bad. What did they say?"

I push my chair back a bit, patting my lap expectantly.

Birdie let's let a stressed sigh and flops down on my lap, starting to drink the coffee she got for me.

"She didn't really say anything, but when she asks me stuff about like... if I ever go out alone, or she said something about knowing I'm dependent and stuff..."

"Mmm...Do you want to know what I think, or do you want me to just listen?" I ask her, snuggling her closer to my chest.

"...I want to know what you think, Master. I know you have my best interest in mind and I may just be reading into things."

I nod, reclining back to get my thoughts together.

"I think a majority of that was her just trying to understand our culture. I don't think she meant to make you feel bad. I think it's hard for people who don't practice our lifestyle to understand how we live and why.

"As for her comment about dependency... I may be at fault for that. I was trying to explain the relationship you and I have and I may have used the analogy of submissives being like babies.

"It wasn't meant as a slight or an insult, Little Bird. I was just trying to make an analogy that she would understand. I obviously don't see you like a baby, I was just trying to tell her why you don't have a job like me and why I don't leave you alone."

"...Do you think that they see me as stupid? Babies aren't that smart and they may thought you were speaking more literally..."

"Stupid? No, Baby. Anyone can see how cunning you are... Are you mad at me? For comparing you to a baby?"

A smile quirks her lips and I relax, pressing my lips to her forehead for a moment.

"I'm not thrilled about it... I can see the merits in your comparison although it may not have been flattering."

"You're absolutely right, that analogy didn't acknowledge your strengths and value, Little Bird. Do you forgive me?"

She turns around, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Maybe if you pet me a little longer," Birdie teases, laying her head on my chest. I chuckle, massaging the back of her head. "I love you, Master."

"I love you too, Baby. You feel better, or do you need to mope around a little longer, or...?" She hugs me tighter, rubbing her cheek on my shoulder.

"I want to mope around longer... as long as you're going to keep petting me."

"I'll pet you as long as you need, Little Bird. I have to get some work done today, but you can talk to me and drink more of my coffee..."

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