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Ethan's POV

Birdie sets the table in front of me. I sit silently, observing her as she places my silverware and plate down.

She goes and sets up her own plate, finally joining me. Both of our plates are served and steam from freshly coming out of the oven.

Birdie looks up at me, wringing her hands, her question unspoken. "This smells very good, Little Bird." Her shoulders relax. "I am sure it is delicious."

I reach for my silverware, ready to give it a taste. I pause, seeing her grabbing for her silverware as well.

She cuts into her food and starts to eat.

I lick my lips and take a drink of my water, trying to figure out how to approach the situation.

At restaurants we eat together, but I had assumed she knew she should wait for me to take a bite first. At home when it is just me and her, it is important to me that she shows me that respect as I show her that respect and have her eat with me when we are in public.

My hesitation makes her stop too. "Is something wrong?" Birdie inquires in confusion, taking another bite of food.

I clear my throat awkwardly, shifting forward in my seat. I do not want to come across too stern or mean, I know this can be a fairly sensitive topic for some submissives.

Not all submissives understand it is a sign of respect for a submissive to let their dominant eat first or give permission before eating.

"It is usually proper table etiquette to eat only after given permission and especially after your dominant," I explain to her.

"Oh." Birdie looks down at the silverware in her hand dumbly. She timidly sets it down and looks up at me.

I smile softly at her and take my time cutting up my dinner before starting to eat. She shifts in her chair, her hands folded in her lap as she watches me eat.

Usually I would grant her permission after my first bite, but I want her to remember to wait next time.

The sound of my silverware lightly clanking against the plate fills the silence between us.

"I wouldn't have set myself a place at the table at all if I had known you didn't want me to eat with you," Birdie says, making my eyes snap up to her.

She is agitated, not something I had anticipated. I thought I had been rather tactful when explaining to her some basic table manners.

I set my silverware down and fold my hands in front of my mouth to examine her. I don't like her tone, but I know I need to give her some grace.

"When we eat at home, I would appreciate if you let me have my first bite before you join me. I'm not having you wait to eat to mock you. I just want you to remember," I explain.

She averts her gaze, pursing her lips. "It doesn't seem fair to punish me for something you never told me about..."

I didn't see making her wait to eat as a punishment, but I can see how she would see it that way.

"I apologize if having you wait seemed like a punishment, that wasn't my intention. Will you please join me?" I gesture to her plate and she simmers down, her agitation going away as soon as she starts to eat again.

A hungry Little Bird is not good.

We eat the rest of our meal in silence. It's not a hostile silence anymore and I don't mind it.

"Thank you for dinner, Master Ethan," Birdie says, standing up to clear the table.

I chuckle at her, standing as well to help her. I like my meals being cooked and served, but I have no problem helping with cleaning up.

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