Birdie's POV:
Warm hands pet me, taking me from my sleep.
Kisses run up my neck and I sigh in content, yawning quietly as he pulls me up against him, continuing to shower me with kisses.
He tugs the ribbon around my wrists, releasing me from the binding, only separating himself from me enough so that he can set it aside.
"Morning, Little Bird." I all but purr as his hand drops to start rubbing my stomach in small circles. "You do like that, don't you?"
I moan softly, leaning my head back against his chest.
His chest rumbles pleasantly behind me, putting a larger smile on my face.
"Where is Mom?" He hums and kisses me, continuing to rub my stomach to keep me still.
"Her and your dad got up earlier this morning. You dad had to work and of course your mom wanted to be with him." I nod, knowing Mom rarely ever allows him to be more than a room away.
"We're late for work," I mumble, not nearly as worried about my realization as I should be.
"You were a very good girl for me, Birdie. I thought it would be fair to let you have a good rest. Are you well rested this morning? Was it okay having your parents sleep with us?
"I know you obviously don't want them sleeping with us every night, but did you sleep okay last night, Little Bird?"
"I slept good... The last time I slept with my parents was on Weston's wedding night, or collaring night or whatever him and Hannah called it. It was kind of nice..."
"Was... Weston's collaring ceremony upsetting to you?" Ethan asks me carefully, snuggling himself closer up to my back.
"No, Weston had just been my protector and I was happy for him, but it was just really emotional since he had almost always been around and he wasn't going to be anymore."
"...Yeah? He's still around though, right?" Ethan rationalizes and I nod, closing my eyes as he kisses my jaw.
"Yeah, he always was. I have you now too... I don't have to depend on him to cuddle with me, or feed me."
"I keep good care of my Little Bird, huh?" I giggle and he chuckles, smiling against my neck as he kisses me.
"You take very good care of me, Master."
"Master? It's still a little early for that don't you think?" I smile, turning to face him in bed.
"You don't make me call you Master as much as I thought you would."
"Do you feel like I force you to call me master?" Ethan asks, sounding hurt.
I sit up to straddle his chest, leaning down to peck him. "Not at all. I just meant that... our relationship is different than I thought it would be."
"I like that we have this time where it's just us... I appreciate that you remind me to call you by name. It reminds me that you love me and want to spend time with me even when I'm not serving you."
He rests his head against mine, nodding along. "I love my submissive, but I love you my sweet wife more."
"Can I help you at work today?"
I know he is trying to make me feel like I'm doing important work, but I know I'm just doing busy work.
"...You always help me at work, Birdie..." I sigh, giving him a pointed look. He knows what I mean. "Why do you think you seen helping me?"

His Little Bird
RomanceSaving Leah Series Book 7 "So what do you admire most about women?" I ask the man as he sips on his coffee. He smirks as he sets his cup down, acting as if my question was some sort of joke, "Her complete submission, of course." I hum, disproving g...