Chapter 11

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Anyways, follow me and RoyalBluePaint on insta!

Only if you'd like of course :)
But you should really check her insta account. She got really good artstyles. Especially her first ones and her latest~ STOP THE TALKING MORE ON LOOKING! And also check out her book! Aaaah!! I WANNA SPOIL SOO BADD. but that won't be happening thou because im pretty sure that the majority of all of you readers had seen it already. Orr maybe all of u. I never know.

Her insta: royalbluepaint438
Her book: My Wife is A Mafia Queen! (Aaaaahhh)

Mine: _thedumbcat_ (lmao i know its stupid)


Skara's POV:

We were now walking towards amity's house to hang out. Like we always do. Amity always suggested us to hang out at her place. But we never complain to them. Her place was a lot bigger than ours. But ours, their still big.

Anyways- me Amity and Boscha came inside walking directly towards her room. Amity's parents told the three of us and the maids to watch the house while they were away. They're  kinda on a date. Which was sweet.

I settled my bag on the bed and laid over it. It was really huge and fluffy.

Moments later, we were just talking and was joking around about what had happened earlier at lunch. We kinda mocked and teased Boscha for being stupid enough to fall for a stranger. But she didn't even care if she did. She also told us that the stranger was strong because when she was 'held' or whatever by the stranger, she has a nice grip.

To be honest, we didn't really mind her daydreaming about it.

Meanwhile, we were kinda bored on doing nothing but talking. All of a sudden Boscha whined and groaned loudly.

Boscha's POV:

"ARRgggHhHhH'' I whined. "AMitYyyyYYYyyy.." I said.

"wut?" she replied.

"I'm hungry dang it!" I said. I was really hungry that time. But when I checked amity's kitchen, there was only diet cola, sandwiches, vegetarian meals and boring stuffs... she did said that Edric and Emira were buying groceries. And told me to wait. CAN U BELIEVE IT!? i know right? its ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous?

"Didn't I told you to wait for a while?"
She said cocking an eyebrow. "But I can't wait! Im hungryyyyyyyyy"

"It was still your fault why you didn't order meals earlier. We told you to but you said you were full" Skara interjected.

I pouted and crossed my arms against my chest. "Amittyyyy can't you just buuyyy sommee.... IM STARVING!"

"You want me to buy you food at this time? Gurl, seriously, can't you wait for a while? My siblings should be back by now" Amity said.

*Skip this. this is not part of the pov but i want to add this*

"I'm going to beat you ed! wait until I'm finished and can get to there first!"
Emira said stirring the wheel of an arcade car game. yes they are in an arcade.

"Woa-ho-hoaa your not getting away that easily!" Edric said stepping on the engine and attempting to finish the race first. He successfully did it. "HAHA! beat that em!"

"HEY! thats cheating!" emira said between laughs.

"Catch me if you can chicken lil'!" Edric said playfully, laughing along with his sister.

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