Come Back Anytime! -Tubbso

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•Description: Tommy visits Snowchester. Tubbo teaches him to skate. Ranboo watches them in amusement. Michael is just Michael.

•Date of Publication: May 21st, 2021

•Words: 1622 words

•CW's: Panic Attacks, PTSD, Angst, Emotional Hurt, and Hurt/Comfort

•Extra Notes: Written piece inspired by @em0kii on twitter: follow her! Her art is so great!

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It wasn't that he didn't want to visit Tubbo. Don't get him wrong, he wanted to- he really did. But visiting Tubbo all the way in Snowchester leaves him a sour taste in his mouth. Just seeing him with a family, happy... it feels like he's moved on while he's left behind.

But when Tubbo invited him to Snowchester to, in his own words, "hang out because damn it, I miss you" he decided to visit him. Only for a couple of minutes, he told himself, then on the way back he'd spend the afternoon on the tower near the prison.

That's what he told himself.

Now he's being peer pressured by Tubbo to join him ice skate on the ice in the ocean.

"Tubbo, I repeat, I don't want to skate." He says grumpily, hugging himself. He was supposed to be here for only ten minutes top, but it's been over thirty minutes and the cold is starting to catch up to him. Why did he think that dressing up in his usual red and white tee would shield him from the cold? "I have things to do, plus skating is stupid."

Ranboo stood near the ladder that leads to Michael's room, laughing to himself. "Tommy, both of us know he won't stop pestering you until you say yes."

The blonde growled, rolling his eyes, hating how the tall hybrid was right. He looked at his best friend, who was now giving the hardest puppy eyes ever, and sighed.

"Fine." He said, frowning when Tubbo shouted in glee and rushed to his basement, searching for his ice skating boots. "But only for a while! This big man has some big business to attend to."

"Sure." Said the black and white haired boy, giving him a teasing look. He opened the trapdoor to Michael's room and poked his head inside. "Hey Tubbo, do you think we should let Michael out with us? He hasn't been out in a while..."

"Yeah! Just dress him before we lea-" A yelp was heard, cut short by crash and a slam. "Tubbo?!" Yelled Tommy, rushing towards the trapdoor on the floor and poking his head down. The brunet was on the floor, with a chest on the floor beside him, surrounded by string and leather.

"I'm fine!" He said, giggling nervously. "The boots were on the top chest and I slipped. Sorry!"

The blonde rolled his eyes, helping his clumsy friend put everything back on the chest and put it where it was. He climbed up the ladder and met with an unamused Ranboo holding hands with a well warmed Michael, who was shifting and bouncing on his little feet, excited.

A couple seconds later a brown blob of hair popped out the trapdoor, grinning and extending his arm, showing two pairs of white ice skates. He got out and gave Tommy the slightly larger pair, before opening the door to his house.

"After you, sexy." Said Tubbo, winking at Ranboo. Ranboo rolled his eyes and picked Michael up, carrying him outside.

Tommy raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?" He said, staring at the shorter boy.

Tubbo laughed, still holding the door. "Sorry, after you big man." He said, grinning when Tommy smirked and left the house, him following shortly behind.

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