Them or Me?

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•Description: Based on this moment from Tubbo's March 9th stream:

"...Who would you save, Ranboo or Tommy?"

"I'd remove myself from the picture."

•Date of Publication: March 10th, 2021

•Words: 1798 words

•CW's: Character Death, Hurt No Comfort, Violence, Mind Control and Sacrifice

•Extra Notes: A 'what-if' I wrote back when the egg was growing

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The vines were getting tighter.

Tubbo took a shaky breath as he felt the crimson vines tighten on his legs. A few feet in front of them, Tommy and Ranboo were restrained by Antfrost and Punz, as Bad stood in front of him, grinning.

Actually, these weren't his friends.

This isn't the Bad that would make sure he'd be alright, yelling 'Language!' every time someone cursed. This wasn't the Ant that'd join him to mess around, helping him re-build his old house. This wasn't the Punz that helped him with his bee's at the start, giving him a pet fox after he lost so much.

These weren't his friends.

But as more time passed, Tubbo couldn't keep thinking about his old friends. The vines were tightening around his legs, and Punz and Ant were holding Tommy and Ranboo at point.

Bad turned to him and grinned, his white eyes staring into his souls. "The Egg can help you Tubbo! It will give you anything you want! You just have to do the one thing it asks of you."

Tubbo bit his lip, glancing at the huge egg behind him. He somehow felt the vibes pulse around his leg, and he hissed. He turned back to the half-demon. "What do you mean?"

Bad chuckled, walking around the goat-hybrid, as if he were a prey. "The egg demands a sacrifice." The half-demon states. "But at the end it's worth it. It will give you anything you want- riches, power..." He trailed off.

The brunet glanced at his best friend and platonic husband. Tommy was trying to get away from Punz arms, but the latter didn't even budge. Meanwhile, Ranboo stayed still, petrified of what would happen.

Tubbo locked eyes with Ranboo, before slowly turning to stare at Bad. "A-And what's the sacrifice?" He asked, millions of thoughts running through his mind.

Bad grinned. "The egg requires you to sacrifice someone you care about." He says, laughing. "It says you are being held back by them, if you sacrifice one of them, the egg will accept you with open arms and it will hurt less!"

Tommy and Ranboo flinched at that.

"So Tubbo," Said Bad, walking towards him and showing him his netherite sword. "Who will you choose? Your best friend? Or your husband?"

Tubbo felt his body freeze, eyes widening at those words. He glanced at Tommy and Ranboo, who were trying to get out of the bounds of their captors, staring at him with fear. He felt how suddenly everything froze except him and his thoughts.

Both of them immediately started spitting words, trying to convince the hybrid to choose the other to save. Their words, plus the egg's words and Bad's taunts had his head spin. Suddenly, everytging went quiet. His head slowly stopped spinning and he finally managed to put his thoughts straight.

Tommy. His best friend. Who has dealt with so much. From the very beginning he's always lost so much. His discs, L'Manburg, Wilbur, his life... He still had unfinished business with Dream. Tubbo couldn't bring himself to think of removing Tommy from this Earth. It would be horrible. It wasn't his time.

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