Be Safe

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•Description: "I'll make it as painless and colorful as possible."




Words: 1049 words

•Date of Publication: October 18th, 2020

CW's: Character Death, Violence, Angst, and Hurt No Comfort

•Extra Notes: A retelling if the Manburg Festival with a twist.

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Tubbo looked to his left, where he saw Schlatt and the people of Manburg walking towards the main area. "I have to go, I have to do a speech." He said, turning towards the ladders.

"Hey Tubbo?" Called the blonde, putting an arm on the other boy's shoulders.

Tubbo turned around, smiling nervously. "Yeah?"

"Be..." The taller male took a deep breath. "Stay safe, please."

The brunette gave him a small smile and nodded. "Sure." He said, before turning away.

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"Is that all, Tubbo?" Asked the horned-male, staring at the brunette as if it was a prey.

Tubbo looked towards the rocket building anxiously, before turning to the president. "Um, not really." He said, playing with his fingers. "Just let the festival begin!"

"Hm, that's nice Tubbo." Said the horned man, before giving Quackity a look. "Now, Quackity."

Before the brunette knew, he was imprisoned by yellow concrete and wooden fences. He let out a nervous laugh, shifting his eyes from Schlatt to Quackity. "U-Um, Schlatt?"

"Tubbo, I know what you've been hiding." Said Schlatt, laughing without any humour. "I know what you've been doing. The tunnels, the library, your disappearings..."

Tubbo looked towards Tommy's eyes, before shifting to Schlatt. "Um, w-what do you mean?"

"Tubbo..." The goat-male took a deep breath, before turning to the people of Manburg. "Is a traitor! He's been playing around with those two other bastards, spying on us and our great nation!"

Tubbo looked terrified, trying to break any of the concrete around him. Tommy just watched, in shock, as Schlatt kept talking and explaining everything the brunette has done. He turned to Wilbur, who looked worried as well.

"Anyways, Tubbo." Said Schlatt, turning around and staring into Tubbo's Lapiz eyes. "Do you know what we do to traitors around here?"

The boy swallowed, taking a deep breath. "U-Um... no?"

Schlatt let out a boisterous laugh. "Oh Tubbo..." He turned to the citizens, before staring at the and and only Technoblade. "Ey Techno, come up here!"

At first, Tommy was slightly scared, before realizing Techno was on their side. He wouldn't do anything to hurt them, right?

Techno looked around him, noticing how everyone was staring at him. He took a breath and made his way to the podium, standing beside Schlatt.

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