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James was thrusting, His body sweaty and I could feel another orgasm. "Promise me something Eve."

I nod my head. "You promise me that you will never run away and talk to your sister again." I couldn't think all I wanted to do was finish.

"I promise."

I finish and James does too. My brain felt more fried. The only thing that I could think about was the feel. I feel James get up from the bed. I hear him shuffle around with my stuff. I stare at the ceiling. I start making shapes out of the patterns.

James grabs me and sits me up. "Huh." I groan. James puts my white bra on me. He puts on my panties as well. He looks at my bump. "You are such a goddess."

I smile. James grabs a green dress and puts it on me with some tights and heels. "What are you doing?" I ask.

James sighs. "Getting you ready."

Getting me ready for what I thought. "Oh."

"Ev, I have a question?" James asks.


James sighs. "Do you like the name Magnolia?" Such a random question.

Magnolia, had a ring to it. "Mhm. It's a good name, James. " I smile. James smiles and puts his hands on my face. He kisses me.

"We should leave." He sighs. He picks up my tan leather suitcase and walks me out of the house.

James and I link arms and take a cab to the train station. I smile at James. We get on the train. "I can't wait to go home with you. But when we get home I have to punish you." My heart sank. Guilt was in me.

I nod and look out the window. The train ride was quiet. I look at the deserts and towns we go by. I thought about what punishments he would have in store. Would it be sexual? Would it hurt? Would be it weird?

The train stops at around in 6 the evening. James and I get off. I couldn't wait to see a bed. On the drive home, it was quiet. Until we got it the hotel. James abandoned our suitcases as soon we get into the hotel and drags me up to our room. The floor was a mess. It looked stain and gritty.

"Mrs. Evers is having some problems with her child. So I let her have a few weeks off... But someone needs to clean the floors." He hands me a bucket.

I roll my eyes. I go to the kitchen which was clean and then start to fill up the bucket. I put some soap in it and some rags and sponges. I look over to hear James outside of it. He pulls me close. "Take off your panties whore."

I put the bucket down. I take off my heels. It felt good. I take off my tights and panties. "Put the heels back on." I put the dark mary jane's heels back on my aching feet.

I take the bucket to the floor and start cleaning it. I get the sticky shit on my hands. I continue to clean it. That's when I feel James cup me. I gasp in shock. "Keep cleaning."

I continue to clean the floor. I feel James watch me until I was finished. When I put the bucket away. I felt tired and hungry. "Eve. Come in here." James shouts from the bedroom. I sigh.

"Coming." I walk into the bedroom. I see James only in his underwear. I see his erected penis in the underwear. I was so tired.

"Service me Eve darling?" He smirks. Anger boiled inside me. James smiles at me. I ball my fists.

"Fuck you."

James tilts his head. "Are you okay?" His black hair was messy and he looked drunk and very horny.

I snap at James. "No. No, I'm not." My voice sounds cold. It made James scared by the looks of it.


I walk over to James. Who was in the bed? "You made me clean the floor. You knew I was tired. You knew that. Now you want me to have sex with you? James, I am your wife, not your sex toy."

James sits up. "Eve Darling. Listen to me. I love you. I do everything for you. You trust me. Right." It's true. He did everything for me and I trusted him. I sigh.

"Eve, please."

I get on the bed with him. I trap him on there. He smiles. I kiss him. His lips kiss me. I kiss his abs and his underwear line. I pull down his undergarments to show his cock. It was rock hard.

I kiss his tip. I hear him shudder. I lick it. I hear James groan. He puts his hand on my head and his cock. I shout but it's muffled by his cock. I gag and tears form in my eyes.

"Your mouth feels so good." He grabs my hair and pulls me up and then he pushes it down. He keeps doing this for what felt like an eternity. I felt his cock twitch in my mouth. It was soon.

He pulls out of my mouth. "I need you." James pulls me up and rips off my dress. He looks at my body. "This is all mine. You are mine. As soon as you have those babies you can never leave me. I know you won't leave me. You are such a whore. You are my whore." He whispers. Without my knowledge, he puts himself in me. I gasp.

He puts his hand on my clit. I moan. "You are so beautiful. I love you." He moans.

He thrusts hard and rough. His hands leave bruises on me. I orgasm. He keeps going. I was so tired. I felt like I could pass out. My eyes roll to the back of my head.

Everything went white but the white turned dark. The moan went away. But the fire pleasure seemed to numb.

When I awoke. I saw James sleeping by my side. "Your awake." His brown eyes looked sleepy.

James looks at me and smiles. "Eve... take a shower and make some dinner... then maybe we could have another round." He kisses my cheek.

"Okay." I get up from the bed.

Happiness Is A Butterfly <j.march>Where stories live. Discover now