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James adapted to the virus well. As he adapted, James and I enrolled Magnolia and Eddie into school.

It was a small school. Since the stock market crashed and affected everything there isn't a lot of schools. Since the turn of the century, fashion has changed. I went from skirts that stopped below the knee to mid-length cut dresses.

I liked it better. I wore a royal blue dress with puff sleeves. "James I'm going to pick up Noli and Eddie," I shout.

James gets up from the couch and puts down the book he is reading. "I will have Mrs.Evers prepare dinner when you get home." He kisses me.

I sigh. I walk out of the penthouse and into the warm California heat. It was five blocks from the school so it wasn't fair. I walk to the school building and wait outside. The school was a small building that looked like a house.

I wait outside with the other moms and nanny.  A woman with dyed blonde hair walks up to me. "You are Magnolia's nanny right." The woman towered over me. She looked to be older than me.

"No, I'm Magnolia's mother," I answer to the women.

"Well, that makes sense since well teen mothers seem to not parent very well." The mother smiled

"Excuse me?" My voice got louder. I look at the lady in disbelief.

"Magnolia is a troublesome girl... she hurt my son." The woman crosses her arms.

"Oh, why... I heard that your son called my son stupid." I scoff.

"Well, she didn't need to give him a wet willy!" She shouts at me.

"A wet willy never hurt anyone calm down." The woman rolled her brown eyes.

She walks away. Soon the kid's walk out. I wait for Magnolia and Eddie. But they were the last ones to walk out and they were walking down the stairs. Not running like the other children. Strange because they always run.

Magnolia had her hands in the grey pockets of her dress. They walk over to me. "How was your day?" I ask them with a smile.

Edward hugs me but Mag stays behind. "It was okay," Edward says. I stand up and Edward holds my hand. I start walking asking them questions about the day, they both give me bland answers.

"Magnolia hold my hand." She always held my hand.

"No, I don't want to." She snaps. She must be cranky. We walk home and Magnolia was quiet the rest of the night.

James put the kids to bed and walked into the bedroom. He looked confused. "Did you see Mag's hands?"  James asks me.


"I was giving Noli and Ed's bath and her hands looked red and irritated also there some scraps on them." James sits on the bed with me. I looked concerned for my daughter.

"I put lotion on them. She said she fell. But she wasn't talkative tonight."

I take a deep breath. "She gave a kid a wet willy and the mother walked up to me and insulted our parenting."

James started to turn red. "That kid called Eddie stupid so he got what he deserved!" He shouts.

"Shhh... I know but I feel like Mag gets strict punishment there but I don't know." James curls up in a little ball on me.

"I will get to the bottom of this." He whimpers. I kiss his forehead and we go to sleep. I wake up and James left me a note. It was in his cute handwriting.

Dear Lynnie,

You were so sound asleep I didn't want to wake you. So I got the kids ready and took them to school. I left some pancakes in the kitchen. I might be a little bit late coming back because I have a business to attend to. But it shouldn't belong. I love you.


I look at the clock. 9:34. I yawn and get ready putting on a green dress. Emerald Green. My favorite color. I walk out to the kitchen. The house was quiet. It was never quiet. It wouldn't be quiet if I just rejected Virginia and my baby would still be alive.

I shake it off and go into the kitchen and eat some of the cold pancakes. I finish one when James comes back in an angered sweat. "Good morning my love," I say to him scared.

"Once lunch hits we are taking our children out of that god awful school!" James screams.

"What did you see?" James's anger boils to the sadness he starts crying.

"Magnolia dropped her pencil... and the teacher clapped her hands with a ruler so hard that even Magnolia was crying. He then put her in the corner." James cries.

I cup James's face. "Eddie didn't answer a question so the teacher made him walk up to the board to smell dog. A boy tripped him. After he accidentally made the d into a b. So the teacher smacked his hands and put him in their corner with Magnolia. The children laughed at them." James sheds a tear and I do too.

"We will go there at lunch my love and we will take our children out of there." I nod.

11:30 crept around. James and I walked to the school. James holds my hand as we walk. We wait at the small brick house and wait. Soon children come out with lunch pails. The man opens the door and lets them all out. But Magnolia and Eddie. They were walking hands both in their pockets.

Tears marks on their face and eyes were red. That's when the teacher lifts his foot. Making Eddie trip. Eddie tripped and fell down the stairs.

I hear Eddie bawling. I open up the gate to the school and run to Eddie. "Oh my god, Eddie are you okay." He skinned his knees and chin.

Eddie clung to me crying. "Please don't let me go back in there mommy." He screamed.

"Shh... It's okay I won't."

"My hands hurt. I'm scared." He cried.

"Eddie Darling can you tell me who your teacher is?" The school never gave us the name of the teacher.

"Mr.Barnham!" He cried.

"Okay honey can you go with daddy. Mommy has to do something." I pick him up and put him into James's arms.

I bawl my fists and walk into the school.

On the doors, it had the names. I walk down the hall until I find Mr.Barnham. The man who pushed my kid down the stairs.

I see him eating at his desk, from two sliver lunch pails. One with M and E on it. Maggie and Eddie's lunch pails. I was boiling with rage.

"Who are you?" The guy says with a mouth full.

"I'm the mother of the kids you abused." I scoff.

The man stands up. "Oh, you mean the brats."

"My children aren't brats... you abused them," I scream at him.

"Abuse is a strong word Mrs.March it's discipline." The man gets closer to him.

"So tripping my son, taking their food, beating their hands, and making kids laugh at them isn't abuse?" I say in a sarcastic tone.

"All you women... always bitch about discipline. Your husband should put you in your place. But he won't so I will." The man slaps me.

"Touch me again you will die." He smacks me again. I push him down and start punching him until he was a bloody mess.

I get up and spit on him and walk to see my children and they will never come back here.

Happiness Is A Butterfly <j.march>Where stories live. Discover now