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A few weeks passed after we got home. It was almost Christmas. James has been getting the hotel ready for Christmas. I sit on the blue couch as I watch Arty write a list with one of Eddie's pencils.

I felt tired and yawned, it was only 2 in the afternoon and I felt so tired. I watch Arty write things. I look at his long blonde hair. He needed a haircut.

I hear the door open and slam. "I'm home," James shouts.

Alex drops the pencil and runs and yells. "Daddy." James was wearing a fresh suit and his jet black hair gelled. James kneels and hugs Arty.

"Were you good for mommy?" James smiles. Arty nods. I get up and see them and give a sleepily smile.

James looks at me, His light brown eyes scanning me. "Yes, he was." I yawn smiling.

He walks over to me and kisses me. "Are you alright?" He puts his hand on my head.

"Yeah, I am why?" I look up at him. I feel a cold liquid come from my nose.

"Evelyn your bleeding." James takes a white cloth handkerchief out of his pocket and pinches my nose.

"Oh." I must not be feeling as well as I thought.

James sighs, "Let's get you upstairs and in bed and I will take care of Arty and pick up Eddie and Mag from school." He smiles guiding me up the stairs still pinching my nose.

He brings me to our bedroom, I see Arty tag along behind.

"Is mommy okay!" He shouts.

"Yes sweet boy, She just has a bloody nose and is sleepy," James says. He stops pinching my nose and I replace his hand with mine. The handkerchief is now stained red.

"Oh okay. Daddy?" Arty asks.


The blonde child smiles. "After you put mommy down can we go to the cookie store?"

"I don't suppose why not." James smiles.

James leads me into the bedroom and helps me into the green blanket. "Okay, we are going to pick up Mag and Eddie from school and then do things. You stay in bed. I will make sure one of the hotel maids is at your call." He kisses my forehead.

"I love you, Joe," I say as I start to drift.

I was in an office. The office was big and had bookshelves and a fireplace. There was a big desk. On it had yellow folders and books. Two pictures. I walk over behind the desk and look at them. One was a blonde woman. She was in a field and had the biggest smile on her face. The picture had red and blue hues. Not like the picture James had of me in his office.

It was me on new year's eve, I was wearing a red dress and surrounded by tinsel. My picture had Green and Purple hues. James took the picture. The next picture made my heart fall.

That woman was with my James. She was smiling so big. She looked generally happy. In their hands was a baby. It had black hair and the big blue eyes of the woman.

I hear a door slam. I look up and see my James. "Lynn I can explain." James walks up to me. I couldn't help but start crying.

"Joe, This is wrong. You are married. I know he had a relationship in the past, but we both are married to different people and this is just wrong." I say heartbrokenly.

"Lynn she doesn't love me, She loves your husband. She cheated on me. I have proof you have seen-"

I interrupt him. "Just because your daughter has a different hair color than you doesn't mean your wife cheated!" I shout at him.

James walks closer to me. His blue suit smelled of mint and whiskey. He hugs me.

"This is sick, You're married." He still hugged me like water in his hands.

"Mommy." I hear a little boy's voice. I let go of James and look at the doorway.

In it was a boy with straight jet black hair and light brown eyes. It was Eddie. He looked to be about three.

He runs to me and hugs me. James gives me a look. He knew. I look at him.

I flash awake. Sweat on my forehead. It was hot and humid. I look out of the window. The city was cloudy and stormy. I shake my head and get up from the weird dream. I look at the time it was four o'clock.

I get up feeling better and go to the bathroom. I grab a small cup and drink some water. I yawn and go downstairs. I feel voices speak. They sounded anxious and scared.

I walk down slowly.

When I get down to the bottom of the stairs I slowly walk down the hall. When I get to the living room I see Eddie and Mag on the couch with James. across from them were three male cops. Arty wasn't there. He must have been in the playroom.

James's face was paler, His eyes puffy. His lips sealed. Magnolia had the same look on her face. Eddie didn't.

"Good Evening, Mrs.March." The tallest one said. The three men looked identical. But each one is smaller. They weren't as tall as my husband but they were around six feet. But each one got progressively smaller. They all had brown hair with grey and blue eyes.

The tallest one was the oldest one. "Good Evening Mrs.March." He repeated.

He tries to find the words to gather what he was going to say. "I am Detective Morgan Darwin, and These men are Detective Alex Briggs and Detective Dale Hill."

"Pleasure to meet you, What is this about?" I turn my head to James. Who looked up at me in shame.

"We regret to inform you... Your son is missing." Darwin whispered. I turn my head to James.

"What the hell happened!" I shout at him. Arty was gone. He could be anywhere. He could be in the hotel or worse another dimension. I'm not sure where he could be. He never would do this.

"Ma'am, Calm down he is most likely hiding in the hotel somewhere," Briggs said.

I was offended that they would say that. "You don't know my son he would never do this," I yell at Briggs.

"I looked away while playing hide and seek with him and Mag." James starts crying.

I stopped talking the whole night. The detectives kept looking everywhere and asking us questions. By around midnight they left and declared that my son, Arthur Jack was missing.

The words burn like the gin going down my throat.

Happiness Is A Butterfly <j.march>Where stories live. Discover now