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The town was quiet. Like someone had died. It was a sleepy town. What looked to be very small. I see the bookstore and the pharmacy. I heard a few voices. They sounded like they were my age. I walk over to the voices. I see a group of girls in an alley smoking cigarettes. They all had their hair curled and wore short skirts and crappy makeup.

Now I smoked, Yes. But I did it to feel calm. These girls did it to look bad. There were four girls in total. Two look identical, both had red hair and freckles but had cheap red lipstick plastered on their lips. One had black hair and blue eyes but looked abnormally plain. Then the girl in the middle was the meanest one I could tell. From her cold green eyes to her laugh. She had blonde hair in a ponytail and wore the most expensive dress.

She looked at me and cocked her head. I shake my head and walk into the pharmacy. The pharmacy was empty and the woman at the desk was reading the newspaper.

I walk and look around, there was no makeup or candy. Just pills and Cigarettes. I walk amongst the shelves until I see the blue pack. I pick up the small pack quietly. I look over at the lady at the checkout who looked too busy with yesterday's crossword to notice I was in here. I hide them in my dress and quickly walkout. As I walk out I hear the rustling of a newspaper.

I walk by the alleyway again. "Just because you're new doesn't make you special." I hear a voice shout at me. I turn around and look at the voice. It was that girl. The blonde girl in the middle.

"Shouldn't you mind your own business? Or is this small town bullshit." I take the cigarettes out of my dress and open the package.

"You must be a part of that famous family. Mama has been talking about you guys a lot. My name is Lorraine, Lorraine Loomis." The name suited her. I look down at her dress. She must be that popular bitch at the school around here.

I don't answer her with the introduction. I put a cigarette to my lips.

"Need a light?" Lorraine asks. She pulls a lighter out of her little purple purse. I nod and take the lighter and light the cigarette myself.

"Magnolia, Magnolia March." I introduced myself.

I look at her. Her arms were crossed against her orange dress and she had a smug look on her face.

"What do you guys do in this horseshit town anyway?"  I blow smoke. She looks at me and shrugs.

"We hang out by the creek, The diner, The old playground near Wilson Elementary. Sometimes there's a party. But not since awhile." She lights herself a cigarette. "What would you do."

"Go to the beach, Go shopping, Walk around the city, Parties, terrorize my brother." I laugh.

I already missed California. I missed tanning. I missed the ocean. I missed the heat. I hated this small town already. I didn't like Lorraine either. I could tell who she was.

A cliquey bitch, who will do anything for validation, but has an evil dark side. I could see the dark side in the squint in her eyes. But she won't dare show it right now.

Her green eyes light up.  "A brother? How old is he?"

I put out my cigarette and look at her. "He's my twin. But I think he still has a girlfriend back in California. So..."

Lorraine's face gets dark. Her fists ball. Before she could say anything she puts out her cigarette. She looks at the road. I see a brown car driving toward the alleyway.

There was a woman in the front seat, she was blonde and was tall, and looked almost like the older version of Lorraine.

Lorraine looks at me. "I'll catch you around."

Her voice was cold and mean.

She walks up to the car and gets in and I watch as she drives away.

I felt something off about her. I just didn't know what.

After that, I walked home. Lorraine was strange. Maybe I was wrong about her. She had darkness. A darkened not even I could define.

I didn't like her, but I wanted to know more about her.

I came home to My mother, My aunt, and my Father talking in the kitchen. It was probably the same old thing, trying to get my mother to realize she needed help. Which she did but she always denied it.

I needed to tell Eddie about what happened. I needed to tell him about how I told that girl he was taken to save him from that small-town girl.

I walk up the stairs and down the hall. Eddies' room was across the hall from mine. Before I could walk in. I heard Eddie mumbles loudly. "Delly."

I step back. "Ew," I whisper. I walk to my room. I didn't know what he was doing or what was going on but I decided it would be best to tell him later. 

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