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A few weeks passed by. James and I got John cremated and now his urn sits on a shelf behind James's desk in his office. Next to the urn was his little stuffed tiger he loved playing with named stripes.

James cleaned out the room and put John's stuff in storage. He even painted the blue walls to be white. It was an empty room. It was a room that looked like no one ever touched. We keep the room locked. No one ever goes in it.

If I just told James to call the police I would still have my baby boy. I'm sitting on the couch in the parlor. Drinking red wine straight from the bottle.

I let tears stream down my face. "Are you seriously drinking Evelyn?"James walks in and shakes his head.

"No wonder why John could have choked on something you were probably to piss ass drunk to care." James laughed.

"I wasn't a drunk asshole." I put the wine bottle down.

"Mhm... tell that to our dead son." Anger bubbled in me.  I didn't know why I did it but I grabbed the wine bottle and threw it just above James's shoulder. It smashed into little pieces like my heart.

"I did not kill my son!" I scream at James.

"You did! you weren't paying attention! You are so selfish, Evelyn! You only care about yourself." James screams at me.

"Stop Yelling at me!" I stand up and walk over to him and scream in his face. James gets mad. He bawls his fists and gets red. I look at him. He wouldn't hurt me.

James put his hand on my throat and pins me down to the couch. He kisses me. "Darling I can fill that empty heart... Let's have another one come on." He starts to kissing me and puts his hand up my skirt.

"No." I whimper.

"Come on eve I know how much you enjoy it" He gets on top of me.

"I said no." I push him off of me. He falls off of the couch. I felt so small like an ant to a human as he stands. I tremble. I coward into a ball.

He lifts his hand. He strikes my face hard. It doesn't hurt at first until the pain sets in. James opens his mouth to speak. "A selfish whore who wanted her son to die so you can whore around."

Anger that I have never felt bubbles in me. James turns around. He starts walking away. I stand up and run as fast as could. I jump on him. The sudden weight throws him off.

He falls on the floor and smashes his head into the shards of glass. He winces. "You bitch." I get off on to him and try and run but James grabs my ankle. I fall on the floor and hit my head. The wind leaves me. I couldn't breathe. James gets on top of me. I flinch.

He slaps me again. "Say you are sorry" I was scared. The anger moved to cold-hearted fear.

"I'm sorry."

James looks at me. He looks at my face. He looked like he could do worse.

He picks me up. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"Carrying you to bed my love." He brings me to our bedroom and puts me in a nightgown and I go to bed.

The next day I woke up, My legs trembled. Virginia was by my side when I woke up.

"You two got into a fight." She whispers. I nod.

"You left him in worst damage."

"Yeah... but I shouldn't have been drinking anyway it's a bad way to cope." I look at the clock at 10:32. Virginia hands me a cup of water.

"James took the kids out... he thought it would be nice they should be back at around three..." Virginia whispers.

I felt like I needed to sleep more. "I think I will go back to bed." I yawn.

"Okay." Virginia leaves and cries while I fall into a deep sleep.

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