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July 30th, 1935

I walk into James's office. I got back from the doctor's office for a check-up. I was healthy but there was some news to share from my last check-up. I walk in and I sit on the bed in his office.

I hear a scream. I follow where the scream was lead to. It was a closet. I walk in and see my husband. His black hair a mess and his cheek bloody. He looked so hot. Usually, before I got the virus would be frightened. Instead, I was turned on.

I smile at him and bite my lip. James turns around. He looks over at the crying man. He picks up a dagger and stabs the man in the heart. The blood squirts on his face. He turns to me. "Your back early."

I walk over to him and kiss him. His lips are so soft. I moan into his lips. His hand goes down my skirt. His hand travels to my green lace panties. "James please."I taste the irony blood on his face.

He picks me up. I smile. He carries me to the bed. He puts me on the bed and carries the full mirror and angles so I can see it. He gets on top of me and smirks. "Watch yourself Babydoll." He takes off my purple shirt and matching skirt.

He unclips my bra and starts to rub my tits. He starts groping them. I close my eyes. James's head goes down between my legs. He puts his cold on my hip. I shudder. His hand reaches down to my panties. He grabs the edges and rips them. He grabs the scraps of my panties and throws them on the floor.

He goes down to me. The hot air made me red. His tongue hits my clit. I let out a pant. His tongue moves it was like making letters or numbers. I moan. I start feeling pressure in my legs. I close my eyes. James moves his left hand to my jaw. He makes it look at the mirror. I keep my eyes open. I see James between my legs. He lifts his head. He starts taking off his belt.

I start taking off his suspenders and white blood-stained shirt. I kiss him. I touch his pale torso. "I love you," I say between our kisses. He puts his cock in me. I moan. I watch his cock go into my pussy hole. James starts thrusting. It felt so good. I moan.

James pants as his hand reaches my throat. He puts slight pressure on it. I moan out. "I think I'm gonna cum." James moans. I rock my hips. James moans. I moan with him. I finish before him.

James lays down and I lay on top of him. "You are so beautiful."He moves a piece of my red hair out of my face.

I smile. I don't say anything. "The weather is nice right darling?" I look at the window and see it raining. The rain on the city made it peaceful.

"Do you want a cigarette or a drink babydoll?" James asks sitting up.

I look at him and shake my head. I go back on his chest and cuddle with him.

"What's the wrong Darling? You haven't been talking?" I take a deep breath.

"James Honey... I have some news and it's not that big of a deal but you know." I shrug. James furrows his dark eyebrows.

He looked concerned. "Evelyn... what is it..."

I sigh. "Okay so like I love you... and James... Well, I don't know how to say this it's a little bit of a weird subject."

"Spit it out." He moves his finger in a circular motion which meant to hurry it.

"I'm pregnant." James looks at me and smiles.

"A baby..." He giggles and hugs me. I smile. The stress rolls off my shoulders. I felt tired. I yawn.

"Darling you must be tired." I nod and curl up on his chest and go to sleep.

It must have been hours before I woke up. I felt a cold breeze on my face. It was peaceful. Yet something was off. I feel a sudden weight on the bed. I open my eyes. It was that woman. Who tried to kill me a few years back. I feel a wire against my throat.

"This is what you get. Since I can't kill her I will do the next best thing for you."

I scream but she just presses harder. I try to kick her but I couldn't. That's when I move my hand in a swat motion.

The woman with brown hair goes flying to the wall and slams in the wardrobe. She falls to the ground. I quickly open the nightstand. I open the drawer. I take out the knife and run out of the room.

The woman follows me. "Your gonna pay for that you little shit." She screams at me. I run and run but she was much taller and faster. She grabs my arm and I turn around and cut her. Our eyes lock.

Her brown eyes lock into my green eyes. She stares for a moment. I see fear. She lets go of my hand and backs off and runs away.

I go back into my husband's office and put away the knife. I take a shower and go back to bed.

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