I gave you my heart - Jason Todd/Joker's Daughter

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Jason todd x reader

Joker x daughter Reader

Harley Quinn x daughter Reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 3,211

Summary: When your parents don't get along you have to go around in secret. What happens when some things are said, and hearts have been given?

Authors Note: so I was thinking of ideas for a Christmas imagine and Christmas song lyrics came to mind which then I had to, to think of what movie or show that it could be put in. I haven't done a Joker an Harley Quinn daughter one in a long time. Some things said kinda get repeated in different ways. Sorry, it's not more Christmasy. - (Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart) - 20 pages Oh My GOD


"We really shouldn't be here. . .together that is" Y/n said trying not to let out a moan.

"Yeah, yeah. I know your dad would kill me - but this is so much more fun." Jason replied with a smirk before leaning down and continuing his assault on her neck.

Y/n let out a light laugh while looking around at all of the city lights of Gotham. Sitting on the rooftop of one of the highest buildings in the rundown city giving the perfect advantage for not being found and a perfect view.

"I got to admit this is definitely fun, and your dad would probably throw me in Arkham. Its been fun for almost a complete year now. At some point, we should probably tell our parents about us." she said as she allowed something that's been on her mind for a while to come out hoping it doesn't cause a rift between them.

"That's not gonna go well. And we both know it. Also, don't talk like that- you do not deserve to go to Arkham." he answered taking her face in his hands and looking her in the eyes to make sure she understood he is serious.

And Y/n could tell he was by the look in his eyes.

"We can hope, can't we? I mean I'm not exactly like my father or mother. And your not exactly like your dad." she told him hopefully, even though knowing she was most likely wrong.

"That's true. But we both know that my dad sees things as black and white." he replied looking down. Jason knows that they will probably never be able to have both of their families on board with their relationship.

"And mine sees things as an array of colors. . .and explosions." Y/n tired to joke

"Am I gonna see you tomorrow? I would love to spend Christmas Eve with my woman." he said trying to change the subject

"And I would love to spend Christmas Eve with my man as well. My dad is taking my mom out to this restaurant she's been wanting to go to forever and he thought why not take her on Christmas Eve? So yes you will see me tomorrow. As long as I'm there for Christmas day he won't be suspect a thing. I can do whatever I want. An what I want is to hang out with you." she said with a glint in his eye that told him that they would be having a exciting evening tomorrow night. That is if things went as planned.

"Perfect, I already told my dad and brothers that I won't be around for Christmas Eve." Jason winked, giving a huge grin on his face.

"So we are all set." Y/n turned to face him full on and placed her hands on the sides of his neck

"Seems like it. I already set up everything for tomorrow so prepare to be surprised." as he spoke he rested his hands on her waist. With a fond smile thinking of what he had put together for her.

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