Dead Valentines - Joker's Daughter

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Joker!dad x daughter!reader x Harley!mom

Beck X reader

Warnings: death, kinda soft dad joker (if that's a warning)

Word Count: 2234

Summary: It being valentine's day and joker tries to cheer up reader, but reader hates valentines day for 2 sad reasons ( read to find out )

Authors Note: Jared Leto as Joker, Margot Robbie as Harley. Dylan o'brien as Beck.


Readers p.o.v.

Valentine's Day, it's a day when girls get treated special chocolates, flowers, etc... Don't get me wrong I used to love this day. My dad always shower's me and my mom with gifts, my mom and her puddin (a.k.a my dad) always look so in love on this holiday. Not that long ago I used to spend this day with my own puddin. that was still this last year.

My puddin's name was Beck. We had a lot in common, murder, left, etc. Needless to say I'm exactly like my mom Harley and my dad Joker to a T. Me and Beck had a similar relationship to my parents but I was more in charge than he was. He always just wanted me to be happy, and with him I was. But last year we were just out walking around spending time together when one of my dad's greedy business partners...

~~~~~~~~~~~ past \ flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~

Me and Beck Decided to sit down in a park under a tree. He has his left arm around my shoulders holding my left hand in his. And he is playing with my right hand. I'm currently leaning into him. We just kept cracking jokes and planning our next theft. When we decided to get up and leave because it was around 11 p.m. as we went to exit the park, suddenly a man I recognize from one of my dad's business meetings/deals started walking towards us, he has a gun in his hand already cocked from what I can tell.

"You know your father really shouldn't let you out after dark. It's too much of a great opportunity" the man said with an evil-looking smirk.

Beck move me behind him, both of us carefully watching the gun.

" What do you want?" beck asked. While we link our hands.

" What do I want? I don't want your little girlfriend dead. That's what I want. To send a message to Mr. J, that he can't mess with everyone rule everyone! That there are consequences. What better consequence than seeing his daughter dead! " He said laughing like a madman.

I moved in front of Beck.

"Then do it." I said. He looked at me shocked. " Do it. He will tear you to pieces. You think he's bad now, imagine what his wrath will be like when his princess is dead."

He started laughing even more and he raised the gun and pointed it at my head.

" don't worry this is gonna hurt" he said with us a sadistic smile .

What happened next when all so fast. I heard the gun go off. But then Beck jumped in front of me. Because he's taller the bullet hit his chest. His lungs to be exact. He fell to the ground I moved him in my lap and I put my hands over his wound trying to stop the bleeding.

"No, no, no, no, no." I say while tears start to run down my face. " No I-I can't lose you. I-I can't".

He reached up stroking my cheeks. Blood running down his mouth. " Hey, shhh, it will be okay. Maybe not me..." he started to cough up blood. " Not going to make it I know that so I-I need to tell you something."

"O-o-k anything" I said trying not to sob.

" Babydoll, I love you have since the day I met you and I always will, even after I die. Please don't shut down after this, please..."

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