Police Station - Bruce Wayne (Jokers Daughter)

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Joker x daughter reader

Harley Quinn x daughter reader

Bruce Wayne savior x reader

Warnings: bullying?

Word count: 1305

Summary: Jokers daughter Y/n has a school field trip to the Gotham City Police Station, and with her father's reputation the cops aren't exactly being welcoming towards her. But she has an unlikely savor from the situation.

Authors Note: Leto!Joker. This has been sitting around in a prompt book since 2016, so I'm glad to finally write it. Not how I pictured it would go when I wrote the prompt but i/m proud of how I did it. I guess it would be Ben Affleck Bruce Wayne but you could probably do it with any batman. Leto Joker is the only Joker I write for. Keep that in mind if you request. I think he was the most realistic Joker.


"And this children is the Gotham City Police Station." The teacher announced to the class she is guiding through the cities police station.

"Some of you may be more, familiar with how we work and do things than others." The police chief spoke looking over the class and directly settling his eyes on Y/n. Which made the young pre-teen very uncomfortable.

"Ok, kids lets keep walking." the teacher cleared her throat.

Throughout the duration of the field trip, Y/n kept getting elbowed, shoved, knocked down and manhandled by officers. Everyone staring at her waiting for a reaction to come from her or for her to finally snap and have a reason to arrest her. Adding side comments here and there, she couldn't take it anymore. Y/n turned and bolted, looking for an exit to get out as soon as possible.

That's when she ended up running into what almost felt like a brick wall. "Oh. I'm so sorry Mr! Really! I wasn't looking and -" Y/n stopped when she looked up. Instantly shocked that the man she ran into was Bruce Wayne. Thee Bruce Wayne.

"Its ok young lady." Bruce spoke steadying to the girl.

"Oh my-. Your Bruce Wayne." Y/n stuttered nervously. She knows he's a very powerful man. "I-I'm so, so sorry Mr. Wayne. I really didn't mean to run into you."

"Its fire.No harm done." He waved it off. Trying to give her a light smile. Make her a little more comfortable. "Where you off to anyway? Isn't your class her somewhere?" Druce asked having seen her and her class pass by when he entered earlier, and he's genuinely curious.

"Oh um. I was just heading to the bathroom." Y/n gulped pointing behind her.

"That's the exit." he corrected her, but he has a feeling she knew that. "What's really going on? You can tell me." Bruce motions for them to sit on the bench nearby against the nearest wall.

"Really?" Y/n asked timidly. But she moved an sat with him on the bench anyway.

"Yeah, why would you think otherwise?" Bruce wondered. She didn't seem anything like her parents. He knew immediately who she was.

"I'm sure you know who I'm the offspring of. Everyone else does." Y/n grumbled annoyed that she was known by people for that particular thing.

"I do." He nodded to her statement. Bruce nodded, of course, he knew thanks to his nightly activities. "But what do you mean about the last part? Sounds like there's a reason you're saying it and not just cause you think its fact."

Y/n sighed before explaining to the businessman. Looking around with scared eyes. "This may be a class field trip and I'm with my class but well, I'm still not very welcome here."

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