Chemical Bubbles - Joker's Daughter

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Joker!dad x daughter!reader

Harley!mom x daughter!reader

Warnings: none

Word Count: 1508

Summary: Js daughter wants to be like him more than she already is and wants to fall in the chemicals, she gets nervous and wants to think alone for abit

Requested on tumblr: Okay joker takes his daughter to Ace chemicals so she can be transformed like him and Harley but she gets svared at the last second he lets her take her time. After he leaves she finally jumps in and goes home chaned

Authors Note: Jared Leto as Joker, Margot Robbie as Harley.


Readers p.o.v.

"But daddy you promised! When I turned 16 I could do it!"

Ever since I was little I always loved hearing the story of my mom taking her oath to my father. When I was little and ever since then I've wanted to become like my father and mother and fall in the chemicals.

"Princess you are already 16 so-" I cut him off there.

"Exactly! I'm already 16, hell I'm almost 17 only 4 more months till. I want to fall" I tried to beg him.

He always said that I don't need to say the oath cause much to his dismay I would die for him and much to his liking I would live for him. Even though I don't and wouldn't want to live without him. But we both know he's going nowhere, ... At least not anytime soon.

"Well then we can do it when you turn 17" he said kinda slowly, which just frustrated me.

"No! You said when I was 16 if I wanted to and I'm 16 and I want to! Please daddy..." I knew in his mind this meant me growing up and that scared him.

After a somewhat long somewhat short silence he finally nodded 'yes'.

"Thank ya daddy thank you!" I leaped over to him sitting on the couch and hugged him tight. Snuggling into his neck and smiling.

°°°°°°°°next day °°°°°°°°

Once it turned night me and dad loaded up into the lambo. As we headed to Ace Chemicals dad always made it sound like a refreshing rush and painless, he was doing the same thing now.

"Look princess, listen I just want you to know that if you want to back out you can." He said taking his eyes off the road to look at me.

I kept my eyes looking out the window. Yes the thought of it not working and me being incritoule condition or worse... dead. Was scary, but also thrilling. But I don't want to leave my dad and mom, the thoughts running through through my head were starting to get to me and I was starting to get worried I don't want to leave my family. But what if it works I'll be just like my dad and mom and that's what I want badly.

I look at him I nodded showing that I understand.

Once we pulled up to Ace Chemicals we got out and walked up the staircase. The closer we got to the platform the more nervous I got.

° ° °

Joker's p.o.v.

As we got closer I could tell she was getting nervous. The reason I have been trying to delay this because I don't want her to feel pressured. Also if it doesn't work I don't want the chance of losing my princess.

As we stood there, I stood a few steps back. Watching her look over the edge. My breathing picked up and hers deepened.

"Princess... you know what I said."

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