New Christmas Plans - Jason Todd

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Jason Todd x reader (Harley & Jokers Daughter)

Warnings: none

Word count: 1,397

Summary: When your boyfriend gets your parents arrested the day before Christmas, you kinda need to make new plans or you'll spend the holiday alone.

Authors Note: Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

This is my Christmas Day imagine, so it takes place on Christmas Day.


"Are you crazy?" Y/n exclaimed with raised arms and an outraged face.

"Between the two of us shouldn't I be the one questioning your sanity? Considering who your parents are and all." Jason asked trying to lighten the air between them. Plus he honestly felt bad about what he did.

"Oh hahaha, Jaybird." She mocked him, calmer now but still upset in her body langue.

"Hey! I thought it was good." Jay gave her a lopsided smile.

"Jason!" Y/n exclaimed again but not as upset or as loud as before.

"I'm sorry, ok? I didn't think it was your dad's shipment I thought it was Blackmasks." he gave her an apologetic smile. Jason truly did feel bad. Y/n was still giving him a suspicious look. "Hey, I wouldn't have busted it if I knew it was your dad's. Not this month." Jay added with raised hands.

Y/n relented believing he was genuinely sorry. "What am I gonna do now?" Realization hit the young woman then and there. "Frost is in prison. Days at Arkham and mom's at some blackout site, but not the same one as last time... I'm gonna be all alone with no one on Christmas."

With seeing how sad his girl had become it only increased his guilt. He recently did wish he could take back what he did last night. Jason approached her rubbing his hands up and down her arms trying to comfort his girl. "You won't have no one. You'll have me."

Y/n shook her head at him. "Nice try, Jaybird. But you promised Bruce, your brothers, and Alfred that you'd be home and spend Christmas with them this year."

Jay sighed, why'd she have to remember that. "I'm not going to let you be alone on Christmas."

"An I'm not going to let you skip out on your family." Y/n stated strongly, her eyes telling him she was not letting him out of his family dinner.

"You are my family too." Jason moved his hands up to cup her cheeks.

"Same here Jaybird. But I'm not going to let you miss your Wayne Christmas." She gave him a soft smirk knowing how he still felt about Bruce and his family.

After a moment of silence and a lot of thinking going through Jason's head, he spoke up. "Come with me."

Y/n raised her eyebrows in shock. "What?"

"You heard me." Jay smiled and nodded confidently, with a hint of slyness.

Y/n shook her head 'no' again. "Jason, that's not a good idea. The daughter of the Joker and Harley Quinn in the Batman's home? Jay, it's not safe for me."

"I wouldn't let Bruce or any of my brothers ever touch you." he tried to reassure her. They both know this was something that would have to happen at one point. That doesn't make it any less scary. "Listen to me Y/n. I would NEVER let them lay a hand on you."

"I know that, and its nice to hear Jaybird. But it also doesn't make it any less scary for me." Y/n expressed her anxiousness through her eyes.

"Come on, they've been wanting to meet my girlfriend and bugging me about it for ages. I told them you come from a villain family, they just don't know which."

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