Breakfast in bed - Jason Todd

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Jason x reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 635

Requested: hi, can you write of jason todd is spending time with his daughter or son (her name will be whatever you want its going to be represented by D/N) and the reader begin secretly recording what she thinks is the cutest thing ever. Thank you for the reply! - @Anon

Authors Note: This is really cute, sweet request thank you for requesting it! Bat Fam stuff is under joker and harleys daughter masterlist


"Y/d/n, can you come here for a sec?" Jason called out from the living room softly enough to not wake his wife.

"Coming daddy!" Y/d/n called out in a happy tone. Running down the hallway from her bedroom. She jumped on her daddy's lap, in a surprise attack. "What's up daddy?"

Jason smiled and pretended to be surprised before answering her. "Princess, mommy's birthday is today. An I was thinking that you and me could make her breakfast in bed. What'd you say?"

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes." Y/d/n started clapping and nodding along.

Jason smiled adoring the love Y/d/n has for her mother. "OK, ok shhhhhh. We don't want to wake her up now do we?"

"Shhhh" she copied her father putting a finger over her lips.

"Yeah, shhh. Now lets go to the kitchen and got started." he laughed

^ ^ ^

When Y/n woke up and felt Jason's side of the bed empty and cold, she popped open her eyes. Looking around and finding the bedroom empty, Y/n pulled on one of Jason's nearby shirts and grabbed her phone.

Walking down the hallway she could hear some noise coming from the kitchen. Heading that way she stopped in the archway that leads to the living room and kitchen. When she stopped she saw a sight that made her heart melt. Jason and Y/d/n were covered in flour and batter. Y/n couldn't help herself, she took a ton of photos of the scene between her husband and daughter.

"What's going on in here?" Y/n asked with a smile as she watched the scene before her. So grateful that she took pictures of this moment between Jason and their daughter.

"MOMMY!" Y/d/n screamed out in joy, running over to her mom. Giving her a huge tight hug. She looked up to her and pouted. "You weren't supposed to be up yet."

Y/n raised an eyebrow, crouching down so she was level with her daughter. She smiled before asking why. "Oh? Whys that munchkin?"

"We were making you breakfast in bed. Now your not in bed." Y/d/n exaggerated, throwing her arms up.

"Well, how about we bring everything back to bed. Yeah? Then it's still breakfast in bed." y/n offered, hoping it would make Y/d/n still feel like she gets to have her surprise.

"Ok! Happy Birthday mommy." Y/d/n perked up, getting all excited about the fact the surprise could still happen.

"Thank you, sweety. Why don't you go get the room all ready?" Y/n smiled at Y/d/n as she nodded in excitement.

"Ok!" she agreed running off to go get her parent's bedroom ready however she wants it.

"Happy birthday baby." Jason leaned in to kiss her as she came back up to her normal height.

"Thank you, Jaybird." Y/n smiled and leaned in for another kiss.

"This a good way to start off your birthday?" Jason asked with a smile, but it had hints of a smirk to it.

"Absolutely. Oh and by the way I recorded that." Y/n smiled mischievously.

Jason furrowed his brow while wrapping his arms around her waist. Loving that she was dressed only in his shirt. "Recorded what?"

Y/n smiled in adoration, eyes sparkling. "You and Y/d/n cooking together, covered into food."

"Oh is that right?" he smiled as he asked

"Hmmm hmmm. It was too cute not to film." she nodded

"Well, I'm glad it brought you joy." Jason tilted his head with a look that just was pure love.

"It did." Y/n nodded, lifting her head up to get one last kiss before they head off to the room where their little one is waiting for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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