Secrets - Jason Todd

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Jason x reader

Joker x daughter reader

Harley x daughter reader

Warnings: mention of torture

Word count: 574

Summary: Jason knew a secret about the reader that she doesn't remember and she didn't find out from him

Authors Note:


"How long have you known?" Y/n asked in a shaky voice, but when Jason didn't answer she tried again "how long have you known?!"

"Awhile" Jason sighed. All he wanted to do was comfort her and hold her after everything she just went through. He didn't want to have this conversation right now.

"How long is a while Jason?" she stared at him almost in tears and after the day she's had you can't blame her.

"As long as a couple of months after first meeting you. Before the memory loss." he looked at her with a sympathetic face.

"And you didn't say anything?" her voice cracked

"I didn't want to hurt you. I didn't want you to have to go back to them. You hated being with them, you hated everything about it." he told her, moving closer but approaching her slowly in case she didn't want him to touch her. When she didn't move away he wrapped his arms around her. If it was up to Jason after she lost all her memories of before him. He would have never wanted her to go back let alone find out who they were if he could help it. She always hated having to go home to them after being with him and his family. So the memory loss was perfect, she didn't even remember there was a home to go back to beside him.

She looked him in the eyes as she pulled back some, tears leaking from her eyes. "But you shouldn't have hid it from me."

"I know. I just remember what you had gone through and I didn't want you to go through it again." Jason explained his point before pulling her into his chest. Hugging her tight in his embrace. It truly broke his heart seeing her go through what she had earlier today and now probably feeling betrayed by the one person she thought loved and cared about her.

"Thank you. For wanting to protect me. And thank you for rescuing me today." Y/n mumbled into his shoulder, having calmed in his embrace.

"I should've done a better job at both." he spoke softly, kissing the side of her head. Even in his soft tone, she could tell he was disappointed in himself.

Y/n pulled away a little to look up at him smiling as much as she could with her injuries "I love you"

"I love you too. And don't worry I'll protect you from him." Jason stated before pulling her in for a kiss. To which Y/n happy returned.

^ ^ ^

"She's alive! Ahhhhhhhh!" J screamed through the nearest thing to him which happened to be an empty vase.

"Puddin calm down" Harley tried for the fifth time. Stepping closer to the man she loves and the father of her once thought to be deceased daughter.

"How can I Harley! We just tortured our little girl!" Joker screamed, Harley knew not to take him screaming at her personally. They were both overflowing with emotions that don't feel often which caused both of them to lash out. I mean they both just tortured their daughter, who they thought was dead.

"We didn't know." she got closer, cupping his face.

"We should have!" he gulped with a strained voice

"Puddin we thought she was dead." Harley sighed, running her fingers through his hair.

"We should have known. . .I should have known." Joker mumbled leaning into Harley

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