Chapter 1

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Here the chapter 1

I hope you like it

  I drew the curtains back as I see sun shining pleasantly. As I open the window, fresh air fanning my face. I smile to myself and admire the beautiful morning. Yes, I'm a morning person. I love waking up early and enjoying this beautiful morning everyday. It gives me hope that every morning brings a new beginning, new hope.

As I was humming a song softly, I was interrupted by my phone vibrating. I walked towards my bed and pick it up. It was 6 in the morning which means I have to wake Freya up.

If you're thinking I set my alarm for my best friend, than yes. Because she's not a morning person like me. She loves sleeping, if there was a sleeping competition I bet she would definitely win that.

I walked to her room and jump on her bed, actually on top of her.

"What the fuck" she groaned loudly.

"Rise and shine, Fre" I wished her in sugar sweet voice.

"Damn you're heavy, just get off me" she said annoyed.

I stood up chuckling but then I grab the blanket and pull it off her body.

"You're so dead" she yelled loudly and was ready to attack me.

I know I was in trouble so I sprinted out of her room as fast as I can. I see her chasing me and cussing some words under her breath.

"You can't run away from me Oli" she said as she stood right in front of me. But the couch was separating us.

"Ohh catch me if you can" I said laughing loudly.

We did this stupid run and Chase game for a while when Freya said,

"I'm tired already. I still wonder sometimes how you could be so energetic early in morning"

"Well I can teach you if you want" I said jokingly because I know she would never agree to that.

"No no, I'm not going to scarify my sleep. Never. Ever" she said as she catches her breath.

"Okay now go get ready, it's already 6:30. You don't want to be late for your work" I said to her while walking towards kitchen.

"Yeah, mom" she made faces and walked towards her room to take shower.

Freya's work start at 7:30am and mine at 9am. So, I make breakfast for both of us because unlike her, I don't have to leave early for work.

I made pancakes and orange juice for us. I placed them on our small dining table and then went to take shower.

When I was done, I got ready for my work and pulled my long dark brown hair in tight ponytail.

I went back to the hall and saw Freya stuffing her mouth with pancakes.

"Seriously, you can't even wait for me?" I frowned at her.

"Sorry, I was getting late. So, have a nice day pumpkin" she said as she hugged me. Then she took her bag and ran out of the house.

Freya works as a nurse in a nearby hospital. Usually her duty starts at 7:30 but sometimes in emergency cases she also has to stay for night duties.

As she left, I ate my breakfast alone. You see, I don't like eating alone. So either I skip it or eat it without enjoying.

I placed the dirty plates inside the sink and went to my room to grab my phone and my purse.

I check the time and it was 7:45, so I decided to go the orphanage near my work place.

I locked the door and walked outside. My work place is just a few minutes away.

As I don't own a car, so I always walk there. I don't mind walking, like someone people do. It actually gives me time to think about some other stuffs. The restaurant that I work in, is an average sized restaurant but we don't have shortage of customers. My shift ends at 7 in the evening, but I stay till 9 because of the Wi-Fi.

After a while as I reach the orphanage gate, I held the gate and smiled as the warm feeling filled my heart.

You must be thinking, Why I'm going to orphanage? Okay so Lemme introduce myself to you.

My name is Olivia Evans. I guess that's my original name because when I was born my mother left me on the doorstep of "Jesus Orphanage home".

I grew up there, I don't even know who my real mother is but the lady in that Orphanage Mrs. William, she loves me and care for me more than my own mother.

After I was 18, I left the orphanage and started living on my own.

But I do visit Mrs. William and kids twice or thrice a week. I adore those kids so much because I can understand them and what they are going through.

Not knowing who yours parents are is very painful and more over they left you as soon as you were born. I have moved on with my life and I don't really wish to know my real parents.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts. And with a smile I entered the place which used to be my home. 


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