How does it feels to know that your mother left you at the doorstep of some orphanage as soon as you were born? abandoning you?
This story is about a 22 year old orphan girl, who spent her childhood in an orphanage having no friends. She never had...
Opening the door of her apartment, I walked in to see Freya sitting on a couch crying as Aaron console her.
All the memories of my birthday, how she made me cut that cake and the decorations. Her laugh echoing as I step forward. I miss her. I just want to hold her into my arms and never let go.
I didn't know when a small tears escape my cheeks until Brandon patted my shoulder.
"We'll find her. She will be her soon"
I walked towards Freya as she look up with teary eyes.
"We had a huge fight that night before she left for your place. I said things I shouldn't have said, I wish I could take that back. But for now all I need is my best friend to be here" she stood up, standing in front of me, "tell me she is safe an-and you will b-bring her soon" she cried as she hugged me.
I caress her hair, I'm feeling so helpless right now. I closed me eyes, "yes I will bring her home soon"
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"Police has search every property of Reed's. They found nothing" Kevin said as soon as he started the engine.
"Kevin, before you became my bodyguard you said you used to work at an underground boxing" I remember the day he told me that.
"Yes, why you're asking that?" Kevin turn his head to look at me
"Do you anyone who would help me finding Olivia? I can't just sit down and let the police handle everything" I said. It's not the matter of money, Mariah would do anything. I can't trust her, we have limited time before something big happens. And police is nowhere near at finding her
"Charles, they are very dangerous people. You really don't want to get involve with them"
"I'm not getting anywhere in this case. I can't let Olivia stay there for a minute with that bitch. God knows what she will do to her" my voice cracking as I looked away from Kevin.
"Fine. I know a guy who can help you. But he knows you're a rich dude, he will ask for loads of money" he said as looked at me from the mirror.
"Money isn't a problem. Just take me to him and I will do the talking" I know it's dangerous, but I will do anything to bring my Liv back.
We stop in front of an unknown street, beat up car parked around as we walked towards the dark mysterious alley.
Kevin stopped in big rusty gate as he knocked twice.
I patiently wait when the door open surprisingly by a woman.
"Kevin" she exclaimed happily.
"Hello Lisa. Is Robert here?" He asked the lady.
"Yes. He is inside" she looked at me, "c'mon" she led us inside where the guy name Robert is.
"You guys wait here. I will inform him" Lisa left. Kevin looked at me
"We still have time to back out"
"I want to do this" I said leaving no place to argue.
We snap our head towards the sound of footstep as a buildup guy about 6'5 with long beard came in vie with 6 men as tall as him followed behind
"What a surprise Kevin? I thought after how you betrayed me, you wouldn't dare to show your face. But I am wrong" he was now standing right in front of us, he have a big scar on his face from eyes to his jaw.
"I need your help" Kevin said
"And what makes you think I would help you after what you did to me?" The big guy growled.
I stopped Kevin as I looked at the guy moving closer.
"I need your help not Kevin" I stated
"I don't fuckin care man" he started walking away when I spoke again
"M-my girlfriend is kidnapped. The police has got us nowhere. She is in danger, I can't lose her. Help us"
"See man, I am not going to help you" he shrugged, his other mates glaring at us as if ready to attack anytime
"Are you fucking kidding me?" The lady from before came as she punched the tall guy in stomach.
"Did you hear the guy? His girlfriend is in danger and you're saying you don't want to help him. What is fucking wrong with you?" She glared at him.
"He's a friend of Kevin"
"Kevin is your best friend-"
"Was" he interrupted only to receive glare from her
"What if same thing happened with me and when you ask them for their help, they say no? What would you do?" This made Robert think as he nodded his head after a while. It was actually funny to see this scary guy being yelled by a petit looking woman
"Okay man. I will help ya" he said, "my man and I will get your girlfriend back"
I nodded my head as I shook his hand. I told him about the details we have got so far.
I got back to my penthouse. I threw my coat as I walked towards the bar to drink.
2 days gone and we still have no idea where Olivia is. Is she alright? Have they been treating her right?
I haven't had a blink of sleep and my mind is a mess. All I think is I have to find Olivia soon.
I should have told her the truth, I should have not hide anything from her. It's all my fucking fault, it's my fault that she got kidnapped. If I had told her she would not leave my house that day.
"It's all my fucking fault" I yelled as I throw the glass on the wall.
"It's all my fault" I fall down on my knees as I cried, cried being afraid that I might lose her.
I have already lost one. I can't lose another.
I can't.
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