How does it feels to know that your mother left you at the doorstep of some orphanage as soon as you were born? abandoning you?
This story is about a 22 year old orphan girl, who spent her childhood in an orphanage having no friends. She never had...
I was staring at the wall, my stomach growling from hunger and my throat is dry as I haven't drank or ate anything for god knows how many days.
My eyes shutting down due to weakness when the sound of door opening startled me.
"Hey, it's me" the voice came.
Blinking my eyes, I looked at the person. Luke? Anger started to boil inside me
"Mhmm" due to tape my voice was muffled as I moved my body making the chair creaked.
"Don't make noise" he came near me putting his hand on the armrest of the chair.
I glared at him. He slowly remove the tape from my mouth as I coughed loudly.
"How could you? I thought I was your friend" my voice cracking
"I love you Olivia" my eyes wide open in shocked. "I agreed to this plan because Mariah promised that you will be mine but now she is acting different and it's scaring me" he pace around the room nervously as I watched him, flabbergasted.
"You need to get out of here. She will kill you" he handed me a blade, "use this at night to cut those rope. And run towards the left, you will see fluorescent red marks on a trees that means you're going on a right direction. There will be many of those marks just to lead you the nearest road. Just run as fast as you can" he explained everything in details
"Why are you helping me? She will kill you if she find out you're helping me" I looked at him, he looks tired and worried.
"Because I love you. But I'm not a psychopath like Mariah. I just want you to be happy. And I hope I'm not too late for that" he smiled putting the duct tape back, "hope you understand everything and when you reach the road I will be waiting for you in a car. Now I have to go before someone see me" with that he left closing the door behind him.
Relief washed over me, I just have to wait till it gets dark. I'm getting out of this place
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I patiently wait, looking at the light peeking from the other side of the door. Soon it will be turned off and after a few minutes I will sneak out.
I was scared, beyond scared but I need to do something. Otherwise she will kill me and no one would know.
The lights turned off as I heard the footsteps receding. I started to cut the ropes.
"Ugh!" I groaned slowly as my hands started to ache. After a while the rope fall down freeing my hands. I rub the bruised area, winching. Removing the tape from my mouth, I tiptoe towards the door placing my ears on it. Silence.
Slowly opening the door, I peeked if anyone was there. I could see a guy smoking at the corner but he is too high to notice me in the dark. I slowly slipped out of the door, clung to the wall I slowly walk forward.
I can't see anything clearly but this is the only chance I have got. I could see a door like structure. This might be the exit door. I looked back to see if anyone is coming, once I was sure it's all clear. I literally ran towards the door. My head hit the door causing a loud noise.