8- Thundering

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The cold days of winter began to move away, leaving new room for the rainy days of early spring. (Y/n) wondered what she could do, because the ground was muddy, the rain was starting, the sky was gloomy, and (y/n) was bored out of her mind. 

"Hey, (Y/n)? Could you stop looking outside and come help us set this furniture up for sale?" Tommy asked. He and Timmy were struggling to put the ping-pong table on display. "Alright, alright, I'll help, sheesh." (Y/n) scowled, frustrated that she had nothing to do. The three small tanukis carried the ping-pong table over to the display. Timmy wiped the sweat off his brow, and Tommy sighed in relief. (Y/n) turned to the storage drawer, filling it up for what seemed to be the millionth time. Taking out the new stock, and replacing the old, she sorts. Different colored tools, wallpapers, and umbrellas were sorted and stacked into the little blue cabinet. After she was done, she carted the old stock into the stock room, for later sale.

The bell rung as Snake sauntered into the shop, alerting the siblings. Snake waved towards the Nooks as he walked around the shop, looking at the products. Throwback Mitt Chair, 1,400 bells. "I'd like to buy this, bunyip." Snake said as he turned towards Timmy. "That'll be 1,400 bells," Timmy replied. Snake looked through his pockets and took out 1,400 bells. He hands them to Timmy, who in return, hands him the chair. "Thanks, bunyip!" he said as he walked back out the door. 

(Y/n), who was still bored, went back to staring out the window. The rain had started pouring, and Snake, who forgot an umbrella, dashed into the store to buy one. He ran back after getting said umbrella. (Y/n) yelped as lightning struck the ground. The winds whipped the small store, making the lights shake and the Nooklings look on in fear. Tommy glanced at Timmy, and Timmy nodded his head, somewhat unwillingly. With his brother's (loath) agreement, Tommy flipped the open sign to closed. Timmy closed the door and locked it. Nobody would shop, not in this weather. Nook's Cranny would only close on the condition of weather conditions like this.

They turned off the shop lights and headed to the second floor, the Nookling's home. (Y/n) shut the door that led to the staircase, Timmy turned on the heater, and Tommy walked to the kitchen, to grab something to eat. 


Inside the Resident Services building, Isabelle fired up the PA system, announcing a weather warning. People were to stay inside at all times, unless if there it was an urgent matter. Isabelle shut it off and locked the doors of the RS building. Nook, who was quietly reading a book at his desk, jumped when a lightning bolt struck close to the building. Isabelle let out a small laugh and got back to her desk. While the rain poured on, Isabelle wondered, Why is there such a heavy storm in early spring? B̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶a̶u̶t̶h̶o̶r̶ ̶h̶a̶s̶ ̶n̶o̶ ̶i̶d̶e̶a̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶h̶a̶p̶t̶e̶r̶  "Well, I don't exactly know why, but the weather isn't too predictable, is it?" She blurted out loud, much to her surprise. "My stars- I didn't mean to say that out loud." She said, with Nook not even paying attention to what she was saying. After realizing Nook was too engrossed in his book to even pay attention, she facepalmed and went back to staring at her laptop.


Raymond yelped as a loud clap of thunder rang through his ears. He huddled away from the window, covering his ears, cowering. He didn't like thunderstorms. Glancing at the window, he hoped that the rain stopped. It didn't stop. "Raymond, what are you afraid of?" he said to himself. "You're a grown cat, not a kitten." Frustrated, he sits back down in the corner, jumping again at the sound of thunder. He crawls into a ball and falls asleep.


Snake, who was quite irate that he couldn't go outside, started doing sit-ups. Minutes passed, as he continued, using his anger to fuel his workout. After burning his energy, he sat down on the floor, to drink a cup of water. Wiping the sweat off his brow, the pink rabbit sighed, then made a funny face. 

After 30 minutes of sitting down, Snake's stomach grumbled. He jumped up, and fumbled around the cabinet, taking out a box of Crafters mac and cheese. The thunder continued rumbling. He placed the box into the microwave, pressed a few buttons, and closed the door. The aroma of cheese spread across the room, while Snake watched the box spin inside of the microwave.  Opening the door, he takes it out. The delightfully cheesy meal took Snake's mind off of the storm and relaxed him. He sat on his bench and ate. 

He didn't even notice the storm fading, he just loved his mac and cheese. 


As the rain finally stopped, the villagers came out of their doors. The clouds slowly faded, a rainbow appeared, and the day started to look up. Everyone but Isabelle was happy. The reason? She found it suspicious that so many unnatural things had occurred on the island, it was unusual to her. Shaking off the feeling, she turned on the PA and makes an announcement, "The weather has now calmed down. It is safe to get out of your houses now." As she reached to turn it off, she felt a wave of worry wash over her body but turns it off anyways. Tom Nook notices, but he doesn't say a thing. Both of them hold the same feeling. Something is off, and that is something that they have to find out before it's too late.


Sorry for the wait, everyone! I've been quite busy with schoolwork and personal life, but hopefully, I have more time to update throughout the summer. Coming up with ideas has been hard, and this chapter has long been delayed. (hence the 'early spring' part of the story, I started this chapter around February-March T-T) Thank you for being patient with me, everyone! And I do want to say- If you guys catch any grammatical mistakes/parts that need improvement, do tell me! I'm learning things as I go along, and I would like to improve my grammar and writing! Suggestions are welcome too! 

Thank you for reading.


The (Mis)Adventures of Timmy, Tommy, and (y/n) Nook! (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now