4-Cherry Blossoms falling

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As the cherry blossoms fell from the trees, and the rain started to pour in, I noticed something. Every time I visited Uncle Nook, he would look out the window, towards the grey sky, sighing, with a sad look in his eyes. Sometimes, it got so bad that he acted like he couldn't even hear what I was saying to him. So, I went into Nook's Cranny, to ask Timmy and Tommy if they knew why.


"Welcome! (...come!) Oh, (y/n)? What are you doing here?-"

"I want to know... Why is Uncle Nook acting so sad?"

"What do you mean?"

Timmy and Tommy's expressions froze when I explained what I had seen.

"(y/n)? You should ask him yourself... This is something that we can't answer."

"Oh... Okay."

I walked out, and as I left, Timmy and Tommy were whispering. 

"Do you think (y/n) is ready to know, Tommy?"

"I think... she's ready. she has the right to know. Besides, he's her Uncle Nook too."

"I guess you're right..."

--A little while later--

As I opened the door to Resident Services, Uncle Nook hurriedly shifted from the window to his seat. 

"What may be the problem, (y/n)?"

He could already sense my unease.

"Mr. Nook? May I talk to you in private?"

Uncle Nook nodded towards Isabelle, as he told me, "Yes, yes. Follow me."

He opened the flap at the end of the service desk, and we walked into the back room. 

"What is it that you want to talk to me about, (y/n)?"

"I need to know. Why is it that you always look sad nowadays? Always staring out the window, breathing heavy sighs. Unc- Mr. Nook, what is the matter?"

I could see the bead of sweat dotting his brow and the nervousness in his eyes. 

"D-do you really want to know?"


"Okay then... it all started like this..."

A very long time ago, I had dreams. Big dreams of becoming the most successful businessman. I wanted to go to the city, a place where I thought I could thrive. The city, however, was big, full of people, and hard to earn a living in. I wanted to go, but I knew I would have to sacrifice many things. When I waited for the train to take me there, I looked behind me. And memories flooded over me. My parents, my home, my friends, Sable. I was leaving everything behind. I started to hesitate, but I convinced myself that I had to go, that opportunities were waiting, and that I would be successful there. And when my best friend came to say goodbye, I couldn't hold back my tears. Instead of saying it back, I simply looked at her with my tear-filled eyes and got onto the train, leaving her in the rain.

When I went into the city, I started work at once. Days became weeks, and weeks became months. Before I knew it, a year had passed. My business was failing however, I could sense that I was veering towards bankruptcy, and I was right. Not only that, but my business partner had also cheated me out of my money. He left me with not even a penny, to go sell his forgeries and furniture for unreasonable prices. All my hard work had been for absolutely nothing. I had no choice but to leave.

I came back home, depressed, angry, betrayed, and in no good shape, and ended up pushing everyone away. I opened a small shop and sold trinkets, eventually, upgrading my shop many times. I remember finding Timmy and Tommy in a secluded alleyway and adopting them, just like I did to you. The reason I am sad is that I realize now that everything I did back then was a mistake. I shouldn't have pushed her away for no reason, I shouldn't have hurt myself by going to the city, but it is what it is, and we can't change the past, can we, hm?  I just wish now, that I could be young again, start over, maybe then I wouldn't have had this happen. I hear that she still clings on to me just I as do to her...


"Well... now you know, yes?"

He had said the story as naturally as ever, but when I turned to face Uncle Nook, he had two fat tears rolling down his cheeks. 

"I'm sorry, (y/n). I realized just now that I'm not as good of a mentor as I should be. I  didn't even bother to tell you about my failures, I only rambled about my successes. Now, you should be going, (y/n). You have a job to fulfill, yes?" He said quietly, wiping the tears from his face.

"Yes, Uncle Nook! I won't disappoint you!" 

Tom Nook chuckled, knowing well that (Y/n) was going to be very successful. "That's the spirit, child. Yes yes, I'm sure you will not."

(Y/n) walked out of Resident Services, determined. The cherry blossoms are falling, but (y/n) is not.

As the sun started to set, Uncle Nook felt a little better. Getting things off his chest really did help, hm?


So... My creative streak is back! I hope you liked this chapter. I suddenly was motivated to publish a sad chapter (though this isn't what I would call sad) and well, here it is! I feel ready to publish more chapters, and I might just update more! Err... I don't believe this was the best chapter either, well...

Anyhoo, thank you all so much for understanding, and thank you all for the continued support! I'll be sure to write more!

Ta ta!~


Edit 1: I improved some of the grammar, and added to the chapter, as of 2/8/2021

Edit 2: 01/27/21, added more to the chapter.

Stay tuned for better chapters in the near future!

The (Mis)Adventures of Timmy, Tommy, and (y/n) Nook! (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now