Extra Chapter- A moment to breathe

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(Y/n) paced around Nook's Cranny.

She'd finished her shift but had nothing to do. Tommy and Timmy were trying their best to sell and buy things from the residents. Everything else had been done, leaving (Y/n) without anything to do. She sighs, walking towards the stairs, then pivots back, looking towards her brothers. "Hey, is it alright if I take a walk for a bit?" Timmy looks at Tommy, who nods his head. "Alright then, you can go. There's nothing to do anyway." 

Hearing what she wanted, she hums in glee and bolts out, excited to take a break. Greeting villagers that pass by, she skips to the nearby park. RR had done a wonderful job terraforming and decorating the park, turning the former desolate landscape into Nooktopia's pride and joy. She sits down at the base of a tree, and watches the birds fly by, the bees buzz, and feels the gentle breeze of the wind blowing. She relaxes for the first time in weeks. So much has happened in such a short amount of time. Even if for only a short moment, (Y/n) is at peace.

She gets up and walks back to the shop, longing to stay but knowing she cannot because her brothers need her help. Glad that she could have this moment, at the very least she's satisfied. She gets back to work restocking the cabinet and sweeping the floor. 


Short chapter, just to give our dear (Y/n) a break from the stress she's having (don't worry, everyone else gets to relax too!) It's quite hot now, crazy how it's been another year. Stay safe everyone! And remember to drink water/rest when you need to. Pace yourselves, and let yourselves relax.

Stay awesome! Ta ta!~


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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