7- A Buggy Day

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Idea by @BlueFire56 

It was a normal day on Nooktopia. The months had passed by quickly, and winter was beginning. The Able Sisters moved onto the island. Nook's Cranny expanded with the help of the island's Resident Rep. Blathers' museum expanded, with a brand-new art wing. Everything was looking up. 


(Y/n) stared out of the window. She decided she didn't need to roam around the island anymore, for everyone had grown accustomed to the island. As she continued looking out the window, she saw... something small moving.  What's that..?  (Y/n) curiously thought. She got off of the stool and headed towards the door. 

"Hey, (Y/n), where are you going?" "...Going?" Asked Timmy and Tommy asked. 

"Oh, I saw something strange coming from the window, I need to investigate." (Y/n) replied. 

"Err, ok then!" "..then!" 

As (Y/n) walked towards the thing she saw, she noticed someone had dropped an item on the ground. I should pick it up. She thought, bending over to grab it, she heard something scuttle. "W-who's there?" (Y/n) nervously said, standing back up to see what could be making that noise.  Her question was returned with more scuttling. (Y/n) didn't hesitate to look in the bushes. A- A TARANTULA? 

"DRAT!" (Y/n) screamed dropping the tarantula back down. The large bug hissed at her and scuttled off. (Y/n) tore inside, shouting "TIMMY, TOMMY, CODE WHITE, WE HAVE A SITUATION-"  Timmy and Tommy's eyes widened, immediately dialing Uncle Nook. 


Uncle Nook hurriedly threw on a jacket and hat and dashed to Nook's Cranny. Isabelle fired up the P.A. system to announce what was going on. "Residents of Nooktopia, there is currently an emergency. Our island is currently infested with bugs. I advise you to stay inside and lock doors and windows. Block off any hole that a bug could crawl into. We are going to resolve the issue soon. Resident Rep, could you kindly head towards Nook's Cranny? Blathers, and the Able Sisters, we kindly advise you to close your doors. I will repeat, we are currently being infested with tarantulas. Please stay calm and stay inside." And with that, Isabelle shut down the PA, closed the doors behind her, and scuttled towards Nook's Cranny. Code white was never good. 


With the Nooktopia Island Squad assembled at Nook's Cranny, they started to plan what they could do about the infection. "Okay, let me get this straight, (Y/n), you saw a tarantula when they are out of season?" Lara sternly asked.

 "Yes, it was in the bush, I noticed a couple of tarantulas, actually." (Y/n) replied.  

"That can't be good... tarantulas aren't supposed to be on the island right now..." Uncle Nook proposed. Timmy and Tommy shook in fear. Images of tarantulas crawling over them racked their little minds as they huddled together in a corner. "SNAP OUT OF IT! WE ARE IN A CRISIS!" (Y/n) angrily shouted, despite her quiet nature. Timmy and Tommy stopped shaking immediately, quite shocked that (Y/n) would scream.

"R-right!" "..right!" the twins echoed, instantly regaining composure. 

"Now that Nooktopia is on lockdown, what should we do to get rid of the bugs?" Isabelle inquired, fearing the worst.  

"I supposed, we call in an exterminator because we can't afford an infestation to happen. My stars, it'll ruin Nooktopia's image!" Uncle Nook firmly stated as he began to pace around the room. "But the problem is, how much will it cost us to hire an exterminator onto a remote island in the middle of the ocean?"  Timmy and Tommy pondered, knowing their uncle wouldn't want to spend a whole lot on an exterminator. "What if we get rid of the bugs ourselves?" (...ourselves?) 

"You literally just huddled in a corner thinking about the tarantulas, how are you going to get rid of them yourselves?" (Y/n) deadpanned. Suddenly, (Y/n) froze as she heard crawling noises, getting closer to them. She spun around to look and behind her, an army of tarantulas were creeping, everywhere over the store. 


Timmy and Tommy shrieked in fear, Tom Nook jumped onto the counter, RR was starting to cry, and Isabelle started running up the stairs.

"OH, MY GEE OH MY GOSH OH MY GODS" Timmy and Tommy screeched in unison, eyes as wide as saucepans.

"WHO LEFT THE DOOR OPEN???" (Y/n) roared angrily, kicking away the tarantulas that were crawling nearby. Tom Nook stayed frozen on the counter, not making a sound. Isabelle, oh poor Isabelle, she was so scared. "Oh my goodness, oh my god, WHY?" RR went up the stairs, opened the door, grabbed a broomstick, and started blastin- I mean, whacking. She was terrifying, the usually quiet, kind, and gentle RR was gone, all there was now was a tarantula murder machine, the disaster blaster, the- Okay, I'll stop. RR didn't say a single word until all the tarantulas were either (brutally) whacked or taken out in carriers. "I left the door open. I forgot it was open. I'm sorry." Everyone's expressions softened, knowing that RR wasn't exactly a person that is very good at remembering things. A chorus of "It's okay" and "No need to apologize" flooded the room as RR stood there, holding the broomstick she was going to chuck into the garbage. She was still shaking from the thought of tarantulas, but glad that she whacked 'em all. (gotta whack 'em all) (Y/n) silently raged, letting out her anger in her mind, careful not to hurt anyone.

RR closed the door, and they continued planning out what they would do. "I suggest that we hire the most reliable exterminator because no matter the price, we cannot let Nooktopia fall to ruin because of bugs." Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, with Tom Nook nodding his head solemnly. He still felt bad about using up his precious, precious bells. A day later, the exterminator arrived, and the villagers stayed in their houses, awaiting the end of lockdown.

When Isabelle finally fired up the PA, she happily announced that "The infestation has been resolved by an exterminator! It is now safe to leave your homes. The museum and The Able Sisters can be opened up again. Once again, it is now safe to leave your houses." Isabelle closed the PA and sat down in her chair, Tom Nook sitting down in his shortly after.

Life on Nooktopia returned to normal. (Y/n) decided one thing, though. She NEVER wanted to see another disgusting, creepy, crawly tarantulas EVER again.


Peace was restored, but little did they know, disaster would strike yet again...


Haha, I did a funny cliffhanger!!!!11!1!!1!

Howdy! PreciousNooklings here, I am so sorry for the huge delay. School has been pretty ruthless these past few days, so I won't be able to write too much. Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed it, stay tuned, stay awesome!


(Edit, 6/4)

Fixed up some grammatical issues. Added more to the story. Tried to clarify parts of it, and combined both parts together to form one long chapter.

The (Mis)Adventures of Timmy, Tommy, and (y/n) Nook! (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now