4-Work Day Part 2

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After (y/n) was properly dressed for her new island job, she ran out, excited. "Well... little sis sure is excited..." stated Tommy.

"You can say that again." Timmy chucked.

The bell rang.

"OH NO! It's a half-hour past our lunch break already and we haven't even touched our food!" Timmy exclaimed.

"There's a customer now, Timmy... let's just eat it later," Tommy said, as his stomach rumbled.


I tear across the field, excited. I hope this job will be less boring. Without seeing her, I bump into the blue cat, and she falls over. "Oh no! Miss, are you okay?" I ask, a wave of self-reproach coming over me.

"Hehe! I'm as fine as can be! And what's your name, silly?" Silly? What does she mean by that? Ah, never mind. 

"My name is (y/n)!"

"Mines is Rosie! I'm sure we will be the best of friends!"

"Well, I'd best get to work. Bye, Rosie!"

I watched as Rosie walked away, into a park-like area. Well... staying on task is harder than I expected it'd be, but, I'll manage.

Oh? My phone is ringing?..

"(y/n)? Is that you? It's Timmy and Tommy! Are you okay? (...okay?) Do you need help? Is anything bothering you?" 

The questions were coming in like a swarm of wasps and I was flustered. "Calm down! I'm fine!"I hear a sigh of relief. "We were worried... But that's good!"


"We know but... we worried about you. You know how to do this, right? Oh yeah! We forgot something! You have to talk to a dog named Isabelle in the Resident Services building! She has a little island guide flag for you, you should pick it up." (...pick it up.)

"Okay then, but I'm fine! I promise!"

*Hangs up*

I walked into the plaza and opened the huge doors to the town hall. Inside, was my uncle, and a yellow dog with a salmon-colored shirt. I sat down on the seat in front of her desk, and she briskly went over to me. "Hello! Welcome to the resident services building! How may I be of assistance?" she asked.

"Oh! Timmy and Tommy sent me for something... like a flag thingy?"

Her face lit up, and she started digging through the desk drawers. Eventually, she found a small orange flag with a leaf on it. Smiling, she says "Here you go! Now, I assume Timmy and Tommy told you what you have to do. Good luck!"

"Mhm! Bye!"

I was about to leave until uncle Nook called my name. "Did you eat your lunch yet, y/n?"

Hearing his concern, I paused in my tracks. "N-no?" I answer, uncertainly

"You didn't eat yet, then, did you? Come here." He handed me a bento. "Thanks, Mr. Nook!"

"You may call me Uncle Nook."

"Alright, Mr. Nook!"


Tom lets out a sigh, knowing well that (y/n) had not paid attention to what he said. He waves goodbye, and with that, she heads out.


Okay, I know what you are thinking. This is so uncreative and boring. Seriously, I hate my writing. I kinda ran out of ideas for this chapter, so here it is. And sorry for not keeping for my Daily Chapters. I guess life has been busy. I am sorry, but the future of this story is looking dim. I think I might have writer's block. Until my ideas can be unclogged, I won't update as much as I promised. I'm sorry.

Ta ta...~


6/4/21 edit

Added more, patched chapter up.


Republishing due to edits needed to be made

The (Mis)Adventures of Timmy, Tommy, and (y/n) Nook! (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now