6- A... Rather unexpected customer.

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So... This is r/IDWHL


Hope you enjoy it! :D


It was now July. 

The summer sun blazed overhead.

(Y/n) no longer enjoyed walking around the island. 

She ended up being a restocker for the cabinet at the now upgraded Nook's Cranny.


To say that they had some interesting customers was an understatement. The woman that arrived was full-blown CRAZY.

(Y/n's) POV

It all began as a regular day. I put out the furniture items, restocked the cabinet. I woke Timmy and Tommy. 

We opened our doors at 8 am. 

It was a normal day, or so we thought. (And we were very wrong.)

Around noon, the Resident Rep headed into the store. She looked at the wares and looked in the cabinet. She greeted Raymond, who was also browsing.

Then, the doors opened. Lo and behold, the Karen busts in. Timmy and Tommy happen to be in the break room. "Hey! You! Why are you grabbing the furniture? You are an EMPLOYEE! This stuff is for customers!" The Karen yelled at the poor Resident Rep.

(The resident rep is wearing a tan apron with a blue skirt underneath.)

"Uhh... Ma'am, I don't work here," said RR.


The resident rep was sweating nervously. Raymond was shocked. He'd never had seen the Resident Rep so shaken. And he'd never EVER thought he would see someone screaming their head off at the Resident Rep. 

"You! Where is your manager?" She asked me.

"I can dial him right now," I said.

Hehe. Wait until Nook kicks this woman out of the store for berating the poor girl. 

At the Resident Services building:

*Bring Brrinng*

"Ah, yes. Hi, (y/n)."


"Code A?"

"I'll be there."

"See you."

Nook sighed. Not again...

(Y/n's) POV

He should be here any second now...


"Hi, Mr. Nook!" I exclaimed. "Here, the woman with the big hair and ugly fashion sense." Nook nodded towards me. He was going to take care of this situation. He turned towards a now sobbing Resident Rep. The woman was THREATENING her. From what could be deciphered from her loud and frustrated screeching, she says "...And I will make SURE you are fired! I am best friends with the manager!"

"Is that so?"

Silence. The Karen turned her head towards Nook. Shocked, she regains her composure and weaves her tale."Oh! You must be the manager! See this employee..."

"No, she is not an employee. She is the Resident Representative, and she is free to buy whatever she wants."

"B-but she-"

"No. I will not tolerate this behavior at my nephews' and niece's store. You are hereby banned from going to Nook's Cranny, and you are permanently banned from purchasing any Nook Inc. product or entering any Nook Inc. affiliated buildings. We do not want to associate with people like you. Now begone!"

"Fine, I don't want any of your filthy products anyway!" The lady screamed one last time, getting her sorry butt off the island, then being immediately arrested as soon as her plane landed at the mainland.

It was at this moment, that Timmy and Tommy walked out. They were greeted with me sitting quietly at the counter, poor ol' RR sobbing, Raymond comforting her, an ugly lady, and a very angry Mr. Nook. Nook pats her on the back, to comfort her. "Are you okay, Lara?"

"Yeah, I'm... fine."

"Raymond, make sure she is okay. Take her outside, please."

Mr. Nook turned towards us.

"Timmy, Tommy, I am disappointed in you two. Why weren't you here?"

Timmy and Tommy looked down in shame.

"We were on brea-"

"If you were here, you could have seen the look on the woman's face when I banned her from ever associating with Nook Inc.!"

Timmy and Tommy's eyes grew as wide as saucers. "Mr. Nook, you haven't done that in... years! The day ended with laughter and a retelling of the strange events. 

Yeah, I like this job. It is pretty awesome.


Well, back with another chapter! This was recommended by the amazing Th3TurnsHav3Tabl3d!

Thanks a bunch for all of you guys' support!

Okay, I gotta go!

Stick around for the next chapter!

Ta Ta!~

Orsterrant, Signing out!

*Cue PeetahBread's outro*

The (Mis)Adventures of Timmy, Tommy, and (y/n) Nook! (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now