Whiff of the Sea Breeze- Extra Chapter

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Seasons change in the blink of an eye. Spring becomes summer, fall becomes winter. Years pass before you know it, going as fast as they came.

(Y/n's POV)

I woke up early today.  Checking to make sure Timmy and Tommy were asleep, I get dressed hurriedly, and go down the stairs. I walked out of the store and saw no one around; It seemed like no one was awake.


Sneaking past resident services, I made my way to the far side of the island. I walked to a beach, in a secluded area. Sitting down, I realized how fast the months had passed. It was still winter when I came. Now, it was nearly summer.


The sea breeze filled my lungs. I heard a footstep behind me. Shocked, I looked back. "What are you doing here so early, bunyip?" I had never expected anybody to be up right now, and for anyone to know that this place even existed. I reply, still a bit shaken, "You're out early too. But, I was just well... you know, staring at the waves."

"Those waves are so strong and persistent, bunyip."


"I want to train to be just like them!"

"...eh? How are you going to do that?"

Snake, the rabbit, sits next to me. "I don't know, but I'd like to!" He mumbles on, but I look away towards the waves. 

We sit there for a long time before he speaks again.

I expected him to say something wise for once, but THIS is what I got.

"I think my mac and cheese is ready, bunyip."

And with that, he zipped away.


So... Extra Chapter! Snake is the most precious bunny. You cannot change my mind.

Honestly, I feel sad this week for... reasons I don't know of. Maybe it's because I got none of my favorite villagers, and my island is full. Oh well.

I'll see you all in the next chapter!

Ta Ta!~


The (Mis)Adventures of Timmy, Tommy, and (y/n) Nook! (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now