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"mo money"- me💕

"Baby!" Truth said, jumping in Chris's arms and kissing his lips.


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Disgusting. I find it very unnecessary to have a 'significant other' at this age. I mean don't get me wrong, Truth is a beautiful girl. But, I think her and Chris's relationship is toxic. He was just at the mall yesterday with some girl now he's on her. She does the same thing. They even know that they do this to each other. They fight about it, then makeup. Yuck.

"Oh hey, Toni!" Truth said, smiling. "Hi." I simply said and went back to plundering through my locker. "Chris give it back." I already knew he had my pretty, glitter pen. I stuck out my hand without looking at him and he huffed and gave it back. I raised my fist at him and he chuckled.

"One-day short stack."

"You're a foot taller than me. Not fair." I said and slammed my locker shut and walked off.


1st PD...

"Okay class, Since yesterday was half-day, you'll start attending your two elective classes." My English teacher said. She passed out our schedule papers like yesterday but with our elective classes for the semester on it.

"Gym and Art history," Chris said to me.

"Shit. I have Painting and...Marketing." I groaned and went up to my teacher's desk.

"Excuse me. Ms. Harold, by any chance can I change my electives?" I said in my sweet innocent voice.

"Sorry. You'll have to talk to the assistant principal about that." She said with a bummed smile. I hate that female with a burning passion. That bitch had it for me since I started attending this school.

I walked back to my seat with a mean mug on my face. "Aww. The midget can't get her way." Chris said, pinching my cheeks. I popped his right hand and he yelped. "Meanie." He said holding his hand close to him and blowing them.

3rd pd.....

Since it was Tuesday, I had marketing. Come to find out, I have the same electives as that weird kid. I was walking into the classroom and I just had to have the last open seat beside him. As I sat down the bell rang.

"Okay, please take out an empty notebook and you'll be writing the notes on the board." I slammed my notebook on the table, startling the kid, and pulled out my fluffy pen. Everyone began to talk to each other while we sat here in silence.

When I started taking notes, the kid started to speak. "Do you have a highlighter?" I sighed with my eyes closed and looked at him. "No," I said and rolled my eyes at him.

"You know, you don't always have to roll your eyes at everyone." Did he just- "Listen, I honestly could care less about your opinion about my antics. I don't even know your name."

"It's Kenny." This class is gonna be a nightmare.


I rushed out of the classroom with Kenny following me. "Toni!" I huffed and turned around. The rush of teenagers rushing past us made me irritated. "Look, I apologize if I made you upset." TJ shoved me then hugged me.

"Who's the chump?" TJ asked, looking at Kenny up and down. "That's Kenny. The kid that I had to show around yesterday." Kenny huffed making me smirk. I sometimes enjoy making my peers irritated.

"Are you two twins?" Kenny asked the stupidest question. "No!" TJ and I said in unison.
"Oh. I'm..gonna leave now." He awkwardly walked off into the crowd with the rest of the kids. I turned around, looking up at my older brother. Why am I so short? No, he's just tall. Damn near 6'1.

"Yeah umm, I don't like you so I'm gonna leave. By the way, you're a brat." He quickly patted my head and ran off. I was about to chase him until I realized I had on heels and a skirt. I huffed then straightened my posture and fixed my skirt. I made sure my hat was on and put on my sunglasses.

I quickly went downstairs to my locker with every boy drooling at me. Nothing new. When I got to my locker, Chris was there waiting for me.
We did our handshake and I opened my locker.
"I saw you talking to Kenny boy." I looked up at him and raised my eyebrow. "It's not like that, Chris. Besides, I barely know the kid."

"Well, I got his number before you came here...and I'm gonna give him yours."

"Burn." I said slamming my locker shut. "AYE! Short stack come back!" He said after I walked away. I slipped some gum in my mouth and walked to the lunchroom. I felt two people wrap their arms around my shoulder and it was Chris and TJ.

"You know, after all, you're a good little sister.." TJ admitted. I smiled as we walked into the lunchroom. Chaos. This place is a germ playground.

I sat down at the table causing TJ and Chris to look at me strangely. "Toni, come get your grub on." Chris said, waving me over to the line. "No thank you. I'm not hungry." I'm ready to go home. "Suit yourself." TJ said and they went into the line.

I was looking around the room just watching everyone mingle until the boys came back with their plates. Just as they sat down, Truth came over. Uhh...she wasn't invited. I swear she takes the inch and goes a mile.

"Hi, TJ. Hi, Toni." She said waving at us.

"Sup shorty." TJ said stuffing his sandwich in his mouth.

"Terrance Jr.! Table manners! We've talked about this." I said, slightly embarrassed. "Damn, you act like you're the older sister." He said before downing his apple juice. Disgusting.

"Oh, and hi, Truth." She smiled at me. Something is a little fishy about this. She never sits with us. She thinks-

"Hey! Can I sit here with you guys?" Kenny said, interrupting my thoughts. "Yeah! Sit beside Toni." I huffed and glared at Chris. Kenny was about to sit beside me until TJ spoke. "Sit beside my little sister if you want." He threatened then slammed his juice on the table making us jump as the brown liquid squirted on Truth's face. I snickered a bit and Chris glared at me.

"TJ!" She sat in disbelief with her eyes closed tightly and her mouth wide open. She stormed off making Chris groan. "Damnit, TJ!" He got up and chased after his hoe-ish girlfriend. Once they were out of sight, Kenny, TJ, and I burst into laughter.

"Well can I sit here?" Kenny asked again. TJ patted the seat beside him and Kenny followed. "So you're a Junior?" There goes TJ with all these damn questions. While Kenny and TJ had an entire conversation, I drifted into space, escaping from reality.

"Right, Toni?" TJ asked. I jumped and looked back at them. "Huh?" I said looking a bit puzzled. "Were you even listening?" Kenny asked.


"What did we say?" TJ asked, not buying my bullshit. I just stared at them with a blank face until TJ spoke again. "Kenny is gonna hang out with a brother." I blinked a few times trying to process what just came out of his mouth.

"I'm gonna...use the lady's room." I got up and walked to the door. I looked back at them and they were just staring at me.

Why would he invite the weird kid over? Wait...why am I buggin

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