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I rushed downstairs, hopping on one foot just to put on my left shoe.
I passed the kitchen but Meredith stopped me.

"Aht aht! Young lady, come here

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"Aht aht! Young lady, come here." I walked backward into the kitchen and sat down. "What's the rush for?" I huffed

"I woke up late again and Chris around the corner."

"We'll are you gonna eat?" She asked. I know this is her job but after all these years she seemed to really care for my brothers and I.

"No thank you." I said standing up. She lifted my chin like always and kissed my forehead. "You're dad will be here when you get home. Have a great day." She said turning around. Just before I walked out she called my name.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Smile." She spoke softly. I gave myself a weak smile before walking out the door.

Chris beeped the horn and held it until TJ came out running. I opened door and sat in the back as TJ finally made it to the car.

"We gotta go get Kenny." Chris said speeding out the driveway. I don't want to even hear his name so what made them think I wanted to see him?

"Is he bringing that fine ass girl too?" TJ questioned. "I hope not." Chris responded with attitude.

As Chris drove all the way across town to get Kenny, I was just checking myself out in my hand mirror while thinking about what I should wear tomorrow. I was running out of clothes anyways and it's about time to restock.

TJ's hand was on the horn knocking me out my thoughts. Kenny's house was nice. Chris and TJ come here all the time and they always pick him up first before getting me so I've never seen the place before.

Kenny came out rushing to the car and opened the door. "Wassup?" He said getting in.

The entire ride to school all they did was talk about football, parties, and London. I wanted to leave this car ASAP.

When we pulled up, I immediately grabbed my bag and rushed inside. Duh the boys were calling out that I was 'trippin'. But I wasn't in the mood to deal with their boy troubles and what they wanted in women.

"Jesus you walk too fast for small legs." Kenny said catching up to me. I ignored him and quickly attempted to open my locker.

"Uh hello?"

"Leave me alone."

"Why?" I turned and looked up at him. "Where's London?" He scrunched his face and spoke.

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