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Our houses weren't so far from the school so we decided to walk. Plus, TJ and Chris never came back to school so it was either the cheese wagon or wait all day for them to get back.

"You know, I like these soft dresses. It makes you look...less intimidating." I rolled my eyes and pushed him. "I don't look intimidating." I crossed my arms. He looked down at me and raised his eyebrow at me. "If you say so."

That left my wondering, am I that rude to people?
"Kenny am I that rude?" I asked. I started to feel a bit bad for the people I came off rude to. "Well at first you just seemed firstly but if anyone gets to know you they'll realize you have a pure heart."

I felt my face get warm and a small smile appear on my face.
"Thank you." I said avoiding eye contact. After all of the times Kenny and I spent together, I never got this shy around him. "Of course." He responded with that smile.

"Toni, who's that girl on the steps?" As we made it to the front of my lovely home, Kenny and I was greeted with Eden on the steps pouting. "That's Eden. You know, Diane's niece."

"She looks...upset. Lets go see what's wrong-"

"Um no. I personally think that we should leave the young lady alone. She looks like she doesn't want to bothered." I said trying to persuade Kenny to leave Eden by her lonely. "Come on Toni. You could actually make her smile." I groaned and started up the large steps.

"Hi Eden. I'm Toni and this is my friend Kenny." She smiled and waved at us. "Hi." Her voice was so small but she looked so mean. I was the total opposite. Small face with a bad attitude.

Kenny sat beside her. He motioned me to sit on the other side of her and I shook my head.

"But my dress-"

"Sit." I huffed and crossed my arms before sitting beside Eden. "Are you two like...a thing?" She looked at Kenny and I as we shook our heads. "She's more like my little cousin that I have to babysit." I groaned as she giggled at his comment.

"Why are you even out here alone?"

"Diane told me to go outside and make friends but the other girls over there look mean, bratty, and spoiled." I frowned. I know exactly how that feels.

"Well you can hang with us. I was gonna ask Toni if she wanted to go to the park. You can tag along if you want." Her face lit up before smiling at Kenny.

"I won't misbehave. I promise."

And off to the park we went.

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