Drarry & Friends Headcannons

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! Small trigger warning: manifestations of post-war trauma !

R I G H T ok I knoww I haven't updated in a looooungue time - sorry about that, school and writer's block is NOT a good combo - but I thought I would post a quick list of my favourite headcannons about Draco, Harry, their relationship, their friends, etc.

I base a lot of my oneshots on these and I only recently realised that these don't, in fact, live in  a l l  my readers' heads rent-free at any given time. So, yee. This is just to help y'all see the chapters through my eyes too.

But on a side note, I have a question for you; do you prefer to know things about the authors, and form personal attachments? Or do you prefer to distance yourself from the person behind the text to allow for the oneshots to be interpreted on your own as much as possible? Please comment on this paragraph with a small explanation (if you'd like) because I really wanna know. Seriously. This is the stuff that keeps me up at night lol.

Because if y'all would like, I can make a small fact file about myself, Q&A style (also I'm considering adding a little "tell me about yourself" question in every chapter I publish, would y'all like that? Lemme know).

Anyway,, sorry for the super long A/N. On to the headcannons!

- Curly. Hair. Draco.!!!

- The Dark Mark disappeared after Voldemort's death

- Trauma comes in many different forms, and so does dealing with said trauma. After the war, Draco gets multiple tattoos as a way of dealing with it - the pain helps him, but his fear of blood prevents him from c*tting

- Trauma can lead to hyper sexual behaviour. Tbh I believe that both Harry's and Draco's trauma manifests in this way

- Draco doesn't want to put a label on his sexuality but is on the bi/pan spectrum

- Blaise is pan as FUCC

- Harry is bi with a preference for guys

- Ginny's a straight up lesbian and we love that

- Luna is demisexual + uses she/they pronouns

- Neville HE/THEY FOR DAYSS (also ace just saying)

- Pansy is pansexual and aromantic

- Dean is bisexual

- Seamus is gay and non-binary

- Ron is cis-het but an avid ally

- Hermione's bi

- Harry and Draco both can't cook for shit but Draco makes an amazing cocktail

- Harry knows a lot about whiskeys of various kinds, despite rarely drinking


- Draco needs glasses but his eyesight isn't too bad so he gets away with contact lenses —> sick Draco looking all cute with a red nose and his glasses on

- In combination with his pale skin, Draco also bruises easily, meaning hickeys can last a good 10 days when done right

- Harry's a brat. Just a tad. Y'know

- Harry's guilty pleasure hobby is embroidery
• When he got his hands on the Black family tapestry, Harry restored it all by hand, adding all the disowned family members back in

- Harry's favourite flowers: tulips (specifically yellow) , white and peach roses,and carnations

- Draco's favourite flowers: rebel-red carnations, violets, lilies

Let me know if you want a part 2 of these, or if you want one with the Marauders

Also, thank you all so much for 85K reads!!

~ Kath 💚

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