△⃒⃘ Summer Loving △⃒⃘ (part 3)

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I'm back!! It's been a while, I know. I got caught up with school.
I'm not sure if this counts as a request, but I'll take it; thank you to @TheLittleMermaid6465 for (sorta) requesting a part 3!
Btw the pic above is an arbour :)
1020 words

Harry's parents were done, but the couple now faced an even bigger issue; how to tell Draco's parents.

Draco and Harry brainstormed ideas for weeks. How, when, phrasing, tone of voice - everything was debated. Everything they suggested sounded awkward and subpar. Nothing felt quite right. Draco threw himself onto Harry's bed in frustration.
"Why is it so difficult?!" He questioned angrily. "God, this was so much easier with your parents!"

There were a few seconds of silence before Harry quite literally threw himself onto Draco, giggling. "Dragon, you're a genius!" Harry said, kissing his boyfriend's cheek.
"...Baby, what are you on about?"
Harry released Draco and instead sat on the bed, grinning like a mad scientist. "Well, it was easier with my parents, right?"
"Right," Draco cautiously confirmed.
"And that was because we didn't have to tell them, they just found out on accident."
Draco shifted his body so that his torso rested on his elbows. "Well we can't exactly stage an accident on purpose, love."

"Or can we?"


Harry arrived at Malfoy Manor around eleven in the morning the following day. He knocked on the door, and heard Draco scramble to open it before a house elf could.
"Hi," the blond said upon opening the door, a little out of breath.
"Hey, Dragon. How's your morning been?" Harry inquired, stepping in and taking off his shoes.
"Good. Nervous. Good."
Harry let out a small breath, almost relieved that his boyfriend was just as nervous as him. "Same."

They went over the plan once more. Everything was in place - now they only had to wait. They set an alarm for an hour before Draco's parents would be coming home, and then went up to Draco's room to do homework and "study".


Several hours, essays, and other activities later, the alarm rang through the room.

The short sound seemed to settle into the creases of the bedsheets, and clung to the emerald-coloured curtains. Harry looked at Draco, only to find him staring back with the same expression. Suddenly, it all felt very real.
"It'll be alright," Draco said, shaking off his shock and standing up from his spot at the desk.
Harry nodded, following suit.

When they walked down the stairs, Draco caught the attention of one of the house elves. "We'll be having tea outside today. If mother asks where we are, we will be in the arbour in the rose garden."
The house elf muttered a "yes, master Draco" and scurried off to continue with his duties.
"What's that word you said?" Harry asked, confused.
"Which one? Arbour?" Draco replied.
"Yeah, that one, what is that?"

Draco paused a little, trying to come up with a description. "Remember that muggle musical you showed me? The... uh... damn, what-"
"What was it about?" Harry asked. He was amused Draco couldn't remember the name, but pleasantly surprised that he even remembered a musical.
"The one about the singing family in pre-World War Two Austria?"
"Maybe 'The Sound of Music'?" Harry laughed a little.
"Yes! That one!" Draco exclaimed, earning another small laugh from Harry. "Anyway, remember the dance scene with the eldest daughter and her postman boyfriend who turns out to be a dickhead?"
"Yes, I remember that one," Harry could barely reply, unable to stop laughing at Draco's descriptions.
"They were dancing in an arbour!"
"Oh, that thing!"

They continued to talk like that, their casual conversation laced with joking insults and not-so-subtle flirting. After the house elf had brought their tea, they entirely lost track of time, making the most of the long evenings characteristic of northern summers. The pink water lilies blooming in the pond in the middle of Narcissa's famous white rose garden created a breathtaking contrast. Every once in a while, a minuscule frog would hop past them. Harry loved the frogs, and pointed them out every single time.


Narcissa and Lucius arrived home shortly after five o'clock. The latter skipped tea, claiming he still had to write a few important letters. Narcissa was secretly glad to finally have a moment alone, and opted to enjoy some light reading on the veranda - the summer evening was too good to waste indoors.

As she sat with her book, Narcissa's thoughts drifted away. A house elf had mentioned in passing that Draco had a guest over in the rose garden. She had dismissed it, thinking it was one of her son's usual friends, like Blaise or Luna. But, from what she could make out from the faint voices the breeze carried from the garden, this wasn't the case. This was a different voice; it sounded vaguely familiar, but she couldn't place it. Some part of her was surprised to hear this voice, but she couldn't place why.

Narcissa put down her book and decided to investigate. After all, this was a visitor in her house (and more importantly in her rose garden). She at least had the right to know who it was.

As she came to the arbour, Narcissa finally saw the mystery guest. It was Harry Potter. She was thrilled, but not surprised, to see that Harry's heard was in Draco's lap, her son playing with the boy's hair as they bickered about something quidditch-related. She rushed back to the house, looking for Lucius.

She bumped into her husband halfway through the garden.
"I was just looking for you, you know," he started. "Did you see-"
"In the arbour?" Narcissa finished.
"Yes." Lucius sighed, defeated. "What was the bet again?"
"I told you they would come out before the school year started! You owe me 50 Galleons!"
"Damn, they couldn't wait another three weeks?" Lucius rolled his eyes, smiling a little at his own joke.
His wife laughed too, and headed over to the house. "I need to owl Lily, thank her for the tip!"
"Okay but, honey, shouldn't we at least say hello to the boys first?"
Narcissa stopped and turned back to her husband. "Right. Forgot they don't know we know."
"Exactly, so we need to let them know that we know, without telling them we knew."
"Let's go."

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