△⃒⃘ Questioning △⃒⃘

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A/N: both twins are alive, you're welcome.
Smut ;)
2566 words

"I would also like to ask for the eighth year students to stay behind after dinner, do discuss your living situations."
The groans of eighth year Hogwarts students filled the great hall. They had just come back to reattempt their last year of school, after a summer full of mourning and therapy.

Every student had changed a lot since the previous year. They had all lost parents, siblings, lovers, friends, and acquaintances. Each one had witnessed somebody die, and had been to far more than one funeral. A large field on the castle grounds had been transformed into a graveyard, so that students could visit those who had been close to them. And yet, many students found the strength to come back and try again. To work towards their futures despite their horrible pasts.

The houses with the fewest returns were, unsurprisingly, Gryffindor and Slytherin. Most of their members had been killed in the War, and others were not in the right state of mind to go back. In total, only about 150 students came back to do their eighth year, just a third of them belonging to Gryffindor or Slytherin.

Once the Great hall had cleared out, the remaining students turned their attention to Professor McGonnagal.
"Firstly, I would like to salute you all for finding the will to come back. The events of the past year had not been easy for anyone-" this earned nods and shudders from students and teachers alike, "- but you fought the memories and came back nonetheless. This is truly remarkable, and you deserve to hear that. Though you are few in number, you are the strongest students- the strongest people- in the school."
The students proceeded to give each other pats of reassurance, and sent McGonnagal a scattered round of applause.
"We have decided that, since you are legally adults, we will mostly treat you as such," she continued. "You are free to go to Hogsmeade anytime you want, provided you are not neglecting any responsibilities. Since you covered the majority of your NEWTs syllabus last year, your class hours this year are halved, except for Potions and DADA. Additionally, we will not search your purchases, and will not confiscate or forbid you from consuming alcohol."
An excited murmur erupted from the eighth years.
"You are not allowed to join quidditch teams, but you can play recreationally when there are no practices or matches scheduled on the field."
She gave the students time to process all of the conditions.

"Now, since there are so few of you, we have decided to give you your own tower. You no longer belong to any house, you are simply '8th years', and will be provided with purple ties to signify this. You will be living in rooms of 2, and the pairings have been arranged. You will see your names on the door of your bedroom, your trunks are in the rooms. Professors Weasley will be your Heads of Year, and they will show you to your tower."

Excited 8th years piled out of the Great Hall and followed the Weasley twins through the corridors. Harry caught up to Hermione.
"It feels so weird to call the two of them 'professor', doesn't it?" He asked.
"Yeah. Especially since they walked in on me and Ron that one time," Hermione shuddered.
"EW, WHY WOULD YOU TELL ME THAT!?" Harry squawked, gagging a little from the mental image. "By the way, how are the two of you doing? What did I miss over the summer?"
Hermione sighed. "Well, uh, we, sort of, decided to take a break..."
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise!"
"It's alright, Harry. It's just, you know, Ron needs some space right now. I mean, you can imagine what state he's in if he didn't come back this year."
Harry nodded solemnly.
"We talked about it," she continued, "and we came to the conclusion that it was going way too fast. I mean, we were practically halfway to married! So we took a break, decided we'd see other people. If in a year we both realise we should be together, we'll pick up where we left off."
Harry let out a quiet "Oh" in reply.
"What about you? Found anyone over the summer?" Hermione quizzed, as though her previous statement was just small talk. Harry has always marvelled at her resilience.
"Well, not really," Harry trailed.
Hermione gave him a knowing look. "But?" She prompted.
"I, well," Harry started nervously. "I had a bit of an epiphany. It occurred to me that I'm... not... really... straight..?" He met Hermione's eyes, with the expression of a scared puppy.
"Neither am I, Harry. Welcome to the club!"
Harry was a little taken aback. "But you dated Ron?"
"I'm bi."
"Ohhh that makes sense, actually."

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