△⃒⃘ Stubborn Dimwits △⃒⃘

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A/N: slight AU where Voldy died during the encounter with Harry in 1st year
Also there are spoilers in here for The Breakfast Club
I'm actually really happy with this one
2765 words

BabyDork ❤️


Missed call at 2:34 a.m.


Is everything ok?
Are you hurt?

No no no!
I'm perfectly fine
I'm in the Room of Requirements

Mione I SWEAR if you called me and woke me up for no reason I will throw something at you

You love me too much to do that 😉


Trust me this is better than beauty sleep

Doubt that

I found a way to get the dimwits together

Wait what
THE dimwits?


Baby you're a genius
I'm on my way

Told you it's worth it


Pansy ran down from her dorm to the Slytherin common room and slipped out. She moved swiftly and soundlessly through the halls and up the winding staircases to the Room of Requirements.

Upon entering, she saw her girlfriend of six months, Hermione, sitting on the couch facing the door. She had a cup of tea in her hands, and a mischievous grin on her face.
"Finally! What took you so long?" She asked, setting down her tea.
"You forget that this place is way closer to the Gryffindor tower than it is to the basement, love."
"In any case," Hermione piped up, "Are you ready to hear my master plan?"
"I'm all ears."
Hermione reached for her book bag and pulled out a binder labelled 'Matchmaking: Dimwits'. "So, I crunched some numbers - nothing too exciting, just basic probability," she began.
"Holy Merlin, that might just be the biggest binder yet!"

Since they got together, Pansy and Hermione had adopted a new hobby: setting up their clueless friends. It started on accident; they were talking about how frustrating it was to watch Blaise and Lavender flirt without actually doing anything about it, when they had the bright idea to take matters into their own hands. A few months later, and the two girls are known as the 6th year power couple as well as pro matchmakers. Pansy was quick-thinking and creative, whereas Hermione was organised and quite good with causes and consequences. This made for a good combination - Pansy did the brainstorming, and Hermione calculated the optimal plan.

Their system worked on everyone, except one couple: Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy.
It was so painfully obvious the two had feelings for each other. Their chemistry was unreal. The sexual tension was so thick you could slice through it with a knife. And yet, they were both too proud to admit their feelings. Proud and stubborn.
The matchmakers had tried everything: blind dates, going out separately and then leaving them in a place they were bound to find each other and start talking, they even tried the old anonymous meeting letter trick! But nothing worked. The girls had let it slip too early to Draco and Harry that they wanted the pair to end up together, and now there was no way they would allow themselves to be set up. It was a dead end.

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