Underrated character rant

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Hey y'all! I know this isn't a proper update, but I need to rant.
I was talking to a friend, and she asked me who my favourite character in the Harry Potter franchise is. I (obviously, being me) answered Fred & George Weasley. But then, I got thinking. You know who is seriously underrated?

Percy Weasley.

He was a dick as a prefect, sure, but do you know why? Because he was trying to make his parents pay attention to him. In a house full of kids, he was practically ignored. His older brothers were Head Boy and Quidditch Captain. The twins were the troublemakers of the family, but they still got a LOT of attention from the parents because of that (don't come at me tho I love the twins). Even though he didn't do much, Ron was best friends with Harry Potter - Saviour of the Wizarding World, The Boy Who Lived, etc.

Ginny was the only girl in the family; the only reason the Weasleys even had so many kids was that Molly desperately wanted a girl - if Ginny had been born first, she would have been an only child.

Between all of his siblings' achievements, Percy was a nobody. So he tried his best to stand out; naturally, he was extremely proud of himself after becoming prefect, it's understandable that he bragged.

He was arguably the bravest of the Weasley kids, not afraid to express to his parents that he felt they were to blame for the family's financial situation. Finally, he was extremely kindhearted, and loved his family. When Fred died in the Battle of Hogwarts, Percy was right there with George, and both of them had to be physically pulled away from his body.

And people call him the "Evil Weasley Brother".

Overall, Percy Weasley is underrated.

Who's your favourite Harry Potter character?


~Kat 💚

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