△⃒⃘ I'm a Fan △⃒⃘

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A/N: I don't know anything about football, so sorry if it's cringy. I still like it tho ;) I have an idea for a really cute part 2 of this, so I might do that.
Also, I'm writing part 3 of Summer Loving, so stay tuned for that :)
1459 words

Shouts of supporters from both teams tore through the stadium. Chants whirled around everyone's ears, and team colours overwhelmed the eyes. This was the National Football Cup final - the biggest sport event of the season. Draco hadn't bothered remembering the names of the teams. Quite frankly, he couldn't care less about football; he only came to see one particular player.

Draco sat close to the field. He couldn't see much of the bigger picture, but saw all the players in detail. The side of the stadium he was seated at was a fierce sea of green and red, and opposite him was an equally intimidating sea of yellow and blue. Finally, the players walked onto the field to begin the match.

Leading the team Draco was rooting for: Harry Potter - the season's most promising player. He had singlehandedly scored more than half of his team's goals, and most credited him for the team getting to the final. He'd become somewhat of a national hero - as well as Draco's celebrity crush. Sounds silly, Draco pondered, a celebrity having a 'celebrity crush'.

But as far as celebrities go, Harry and Draco were almost polar opposites. Draco is the trendiest singer and songwriter on the planet, with two world tours in the past 6 years, and another one in the planning. He's a pioneer of androgyny (often compared to Prince by the press) and an LGBT+ activist. He's very openly gay, but still has girls all over the world swooning over him.

Harry, on the other hand, is quickly gaining popularity as one of the best football players of all time. He's gotten job offers from some of the world's most prestigious clubs, and played against the most prominent players in his 3 year professional career. He'd become the idol and embodiment of masculinity worldwide. Safe to say, little boys all want to be just like him.

Draco sat watching the match, practically drooling over Potter. He managed to snap out of it every few minutes before continuing his daydreams. Then the break came up. People swarmed towards where the team was walking, hoping to get a high five or an autograph. Draco was sat close by, so he became part of the crowd.

As the players walked past, Harry happened to look up and lock eyes with Draco. There was a moment of recognition in his gaze before he smiled widely. "You're Draco Malfoy, right?" He shouted over the chatter in the crowd.
Draco smiled back, screaming internally at being acknowledged. "Yeah, that's me."
Harry reached up to shake his hand, and Draco thought he might just die on the spot -"oh cool! I love the new album!"
"Thanks, I'm glad," Draco responded, looking and sounding much more suave and put together than he felt. He could have sworn he felt his knees go weak. Get it together, Draco! This is NOT a sexy vibe! He groaned internally.
Harry gave him one last breathtaking smile before following the rest of his team.

During the break, he took a few photos with some fans. Instead of walking back to a seat, Draco decided to go to the very bottom of the stadium's fan-dedicated area. Here you had to stand, but most fans were delighted by the increased chances of the players accidentally kicking the ball in their faces. He ended up next to a group of people around his own age, and sharing some beers with them. Then, they noticed a camera filming the fans. Immediately, a couple of the girls in the group held up a poster they'd brought to the match. In bold letters in the team colours, the poster read: WE DON'T CARE ABOUT FOOTBALL, WE'RE JUST HERE FOR POTTER. The camera passed them just as Draco said "same" and went to high-five the girls.

That video went viral very quickly.

One day Draco wanted to fall through the ground after Potter responded to the video in a tweet
'@dracomalfoyofficial I'm flattered 😉'


A few months later, Draco was finishing his European tour. The final show took place in his hometown - London. He sang, played his music, performed like there's no tomorrow. He spoke to his audience in a way that unified everyone, just creating the most amazing, unforgettable atmosphere. At one point, Draco carefully surveyed the audience. That's when he saw it; in the very front, almost right at the stage. A mop of curly black hair, accompanied by bright green eyes and a goofy grin stretching from ear to ear. Harry Potter.

The footballer waved at him, to which Draco smiled back, unable to interrupt his performance. For the rest of the show, he could feel the piercing green eyes watch him. Draco tried not to look in Harry's direction too much for fear of becoming a blushing mess in front of the thousands of attendees.

The show was over. The tour was done. Draco couldn't have been more exhausted. He and his crew decided to meet up for drinks to celebrate sometime later in the week, but most of them just grabbed their things and went home to rest. Draco was just backstage when a security guard approached him.
"Someone's here to see you, it's only one person, should I let him in?"
Draco was confused, since there wasn't usually anyone security would ask about. "Uh, who is it?"
"Oh it's that football guy - I forget his name, the one with black hair? And glasses?"
Draco knew straight away who this was, and his heart fluttered. "Oh, sure, send him in, I guess."
The security guard nodded and left.

Not even a minute later, Harry walked in. "Hiya," he started half-awkwardly.
"Hey," Draco answered. "I thought I saw you in the audience."
"Oh yeah, I think I waved at you?"
"Yeah," Draco chuckled. "So... what brings you here? I thought you lived in Manchester?"
"Well yeah, but I'm in London for work anyway, and saw you had the concert. I thought since you came to see the final, I wanted to return the favour, you know?"
Draco smiled appreciatively. "Oh, thanks, that's really sweet of you! You didn't have to, you know."
"I know, but I wanted to. You were amazing, by the way," Harry added.
"Thanks, you're not bad yourself - at football, I mean, not singing - then again, never heard you sing, can't judge." Draco rubbed his own neck awkwardly.
Thankfully, Harry laughed. "Oh, heavens no! I'm a horrible singer. That's sort of why I went into football."

They paused for a bit, unsure of what to say. Harry broke the silence first. "Hey, so, I was wondering, do you maybe wanna grab a drink? I don't know if there's any bars in this area, but..." he trailed off.
Draco felt seconds away from a waterfall of butterflies overflowing out of his stomach. Ok stop, I doubt he means what I want him to mean. "Sure, why not," he told Harry. Then, he had an idea. "This isn't a very bar-oriented area, but my apartment's nearby if you'd like?"
"Oh, yeah alright."


At Draco's apartment, a bottle of wine had been opened and the two men sat on the large couch in the living room. Conversation flowed easily between them. Draco felt his tension and exhaustion melt away around the brunet.
"That's not even it!" Harry said in the middle of a discussion. "You know what I find the worst about being 'famous' or whatever is?"
"The zero privacy?" Draco guessed.
"No - well, not really, anyway - the worst part is you can't have a normal love life!"
Draco laughed, agreeing with Harry's point.
"I mean," Harry continued, "you can't even go out with a friend without it being publicised, let alone a date!"
"Ah, but on the flip side; you can go on a date and people will assume you're just friends."

Harry's demeanour changed slightly. He looked carefully at Draco for the first time that night, surveying him. "Yeah, I guess..." he trailed, but his eyes focused on Draco's lips. He couldn't help himself. Draco's performance earlier had been electric. His energy charged through the thousands of spectators like a tsunami, bringing laughter, tears, and anger all with his voice; and he wasn't any different in conversation. He had a magnetic pull to him, and let's be honest here - Harry could see how undeniably attractive Draco was.

"Harry?" Draco said, careful not to break Harry's concentration.
"Mm?" Harry hummed, not looking up from Draco's rosy lips.
"Kiss me."

This time, Harry did look up. He looked at Draco's eyes, thinking the blond was joking. But he saw no such thing in Draco's eyes; only a glint of curiosity and excitement.

And so, Harry did just what Draco had asked him to.

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