△⃒⃘ Sick Dragon △⃒⃘

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A/N: cute fluffy fluff :) I really love domestic Drarry, so here is a small appreciation chapter. Sort-of requested by @frank_iero_is_life
786 Words

"You really should put on a coat or something, love," Harry called out of the open window.

He watched as his husband stood outside in the cold, checking the rainwater that had filled his special collecting tanks over the past few days. God only knows what he needed fresh rainwater for - or what on earth he was testing in it - but, whatever it was, he seemed intensely focused on it. "I'm not cold," he shouted back, not even looking back from his sky juice.

Harry closed the window, wrapping his (or, rather Draco's) sweater tighter around himself. "If you get a cold..." he muttered, walking down to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. This wouldn't be the first time, but it doesn't become less annoying from one time to the next. Draco always got sick after working outside for too long, but never seemed to learn his lesson.

When the blond came inside, he immediately walked over to his husband, who was peacefully enjoying a book at the kitchen island. He snaked his arms around Harry's waist, making the latter jump.
"Draco! You're absolutely freezing!"

"I'll be fine," he sniffled, continuing to drain his husband's body heat.

"We both know that's a lie." Harry turned around and pecked the taller man on the lips. "Christ, even your lips are cold!"

"Maybe you could help me warm them up?"

Harry rolled his eyes. "Flirt," he mumbled, kissing the other again, before pulling away. "We can continue this after you go take a hot shower."

"... Fiine. Can you make me a cup of tea as well please?"

"Tea or hot chocolate?"

Draco smiled fondly. "You know me well, love."

Harry just let out a small giggle as his husband disappeared up the stairs.


"Draco, that better not be a sneeze I just heard," he said sternly as Draco walked back into the kitchen.

"It-" he sneezed - "wasn't." Warning sign number 1, Harry thought.

"Didn't I tell you to put on a jacket?!"

"Well I wasn't cold!"

Harry turned around, finding the blond wearing his glasses. Warning sign number 2.

"What happened to your contacts?" He quizzed.

"I just decided to take them off, that's all."

"Mhm, maybe because your eyes were a little dry?"

"Harry, I'm not sick!"

"I'm not buying it!"

The blond paused and stared at his husband, expression somewhere between bewildered and stubborn. "How could I possibly have gotten a cold from 20 odd minutes outside?"

"You were out there way longer than 20 minutes," Harry retorted.

Draco sighed in resignation, picking up the hot chocolate Harry had so kindly made for him. "Movie?"


After a generally uneventful movie night (save for the usual groping, and a couple of sneezes from Draco) the couple were going to bed. That's when Harry noticed the third, biggest warning sign of them all; Draco had taken a box of tissues with him on the way upstairs.

"Are you sure you're alright, love? Are you sure you aren't feeling ill?" Harry asked, softer now than their previous bickering.

"My nose is a little blocked. I reckon it's just the fresh air, though. I'll be okay darling, really."

Harry ignored Draco's sneezing and occasional nose blowing throughout the night, but made sure to cover his husband in blankets and bring him a thermos full of tea before leaving for work. After all, even though the blond was a stubborn dumbass, this was his stubborn dumbass.


Harry knew he had won when he came home to the smell of chamomile tea filling the kitchen. Draco only drinks chamomile tea when he's sick.

Walking upstairs to their bedroom, Harry was greeted with a lovely sight for sore eyes. His husband was sat on the bed, wrapped carefully in the blankets Harry had left there in the morning. His hair was a fluffy mess, and his glasses sat on a red nose. The dustbin was now stood right next to the bed, half-filled with tissues.

"You were right," Draco mumbled, sounding about as tired as he looked. "I'm sorry."

Harry smiled, coming closer to the blond. "Hey, it's ok, it's just a little cold."

"I miss being able to breathe normally," Draco pouted.

Harry just chuckled, getting in bed to cuddle his - admittedly adorable - husband. Draco wrapped himself around Harry, head on his stomach. Harry played gently with the platinum blond locks, lulling him to sleep. Before he could fully fall asleep, though, Harry took off Draco's glasses. He admired them as he placed them on the bedside table. "You're so cute when you wear glasses, you know," he mused aloud.

Draco hummed. "You think so?" He mumbled, already half asleep.

"Mhm," Harry confirmed, feeling his own eyelids growing heavy.

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