△⃒⃘ Letter by Letter △⃒⃘ (part 2)

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A/N: Hi everyone! I originally wrote this as a separate instalment, but I think it's actually a perfect part 2 for this chapter! This happens between the penultimate and final letters, about a year and a half into their relationship. Anyway, domestic Drarry for the win!
1013 words

"Harry, if you get stuck up there, I'm not helping you down."

Harry pouted at his boyfriend from atop the living room cabinet. "I won't get stuck!"

"And I'm the Minister of Magic..." Draco took another look at his adorably idiotic partner, before rolling his eyes, and returning his attention to the cardboard box labelled 'books—living room'.

The pair were finally moving into their new house. Their first real, official 'family home'. With money saved up from their very first jobs, and some help from their respective family fortunes, the couple had finally bought a house to call their own. As young professionals, only in their 20s, this seemed to be the first step in their journey to becoming 'proper adults', and getting a sliver of stability—or as the two themselves referred to it, "getting our shit together".

The house itself was nothing if not small and cozy. A little one-bed, one-and-a-half-bath townhome in a quiet, up-and-coming part of wizard London. The house was quite narrow, but made up for it with impressively high ceilings, plenty of natural light, and a small allotment connecting to the common garden through a wooden gate. The ground floor contained a half-bath and an open-plan kitchen and living area, with the bedroom and main bathroom up on the first floor.

The living room was bright and surprisingly roomy, benefitting from both the windows at the front of the house, and the kitchen windows looking out over the allotment. This space contained plenty of built-in bookshelves, with space to house the entirety of the couple's extensive book catalogue, and then some.

It is on top of one of these bookshelves that Harry was sat, admiring his boyfriend's work as the latter unpacked.

"D'you reckon the books should be alphabetised, or sorted by colour?" Draco called, unfazed by his lover's behaviour. "Which looks better from up there?"

"Let's do alphabetical order, for ease of access," Harry replied after a few moments.

They continued unpacking—or, rather, Draco continued, with Harry's guidance from a near bird's eye view—for half an hour or so, cracking painfully unfunny jokes and laughing along the way.

Once the first of several book-filled boxes was empty, Draco flopped down on the couch. "Aaaand that's all the energy I have for that today," he sighed, sinking into the soft cushions. "We'll get back to this tomorrow." He looked up at Harry, who was clearly giddy about this new chapter of their lives. "You alright up there, love? Would you like a cup of tea?"

"Ooh yes please!" Harry responded happily. "Although I'd much prefer to get down from here and enjoy it on the couch."

"Ok, well, you do that, I'll go put the kettle on." Draco stood up, beginning to walk to the kitchen.

"Babe, wait," Harry stopped him.


"...I'm stuck."

Draco sighed in resignation. He was used to it by now, but it still baffled him sometimes. "What did I tell you?"

"Draco, pleaseee," Harry whined.

The blond gave in, and started walking towards the cabinet, but stopped suddenly. He looked up at the raven-haired man. "You have exactly two seconds," he said, knowing his partner too well.

"Fuckin' pushover," Harry smirked, not missing a beat.

Draco approached the cabinet, resigned, and turned his back to the bookshelf to let Harry climb down onto his shoulders. Once the latter had done just that, the blond carefully (if somewhat awkwardly) put him down onto the floor one swift swoop.

"Holy shit, have you been working arms recently?" Harry asked his knight in shining armour, amazed at how easily Draco completed the movement.

"You bet," the blond winked, walking off into the kitchen with a small chuckle.

He returned shortly with two cups of tea, and passed one to Harry. "Just a few boxes left, and we'll officially be able to invite people over for a little housewarming party." He smiled at his boyfriend, trying and failing to hide his excitement.

"I know, right? I can't wait!" Harry paused, looking deep into the gorgeous grey eyes staring back at him. "Thanks for getting me down, babe," he said softly, putting his tea down and wrapping his arms around the taller man.

The blond set his tea down too, wrapping his partner in a hug. "It's what I signed up for, darling," he replied, kissing him on the forehead.

Of course, slowly but surely, this divulged into a full-on makeout session on the kitchen island; young love and whatnot.

Draco pulled away after a little, his thoughts clearly going a mile a minute. "Say, where shall we put the cat's scratching post? Shakespeare needs to keep her claws healthy, after all."

"We can worry about that later," Harry answered hastily, desperate to carry on their activities.

Draco smiled, and allowed himself to be pulled back into the kiss by the man he was certain he would marry someday.

After a while, the pair were out of breath, and needed a little break. They just kept looking at each other, smiling ear to ear, only hearing the distant jingle of the bell on Shakespeare's collar from somewhere in the house over their own heavy breathing.

"Harry, can I be honest with you?"


"Never in a million years did I dream that this would be how you and I ended up."

Harry smiled, allowing the blond to continue.

"I mean, if you told me 10 years ago that we were even together, let alone buying a house together, I'd call you a liar. Hell, even if you told me 5 years ago, I'd have called you a madman!"

The raven haired man chuckled at this, and at the hint of happy disbelief in the eyes of the man before him. "Yeah, love, a lot can change in a couple of years." He took a deep breath, admiring his boyfriend's face, from the gentle lips to the very last freckle. "I wouldn't change it for the world," he breathed quietly.

"Me neither."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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