Family <3

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Edna pinged herself from the under-levels, attaching herself to the sails with a squelch. Horseman looked over at Eric. A sense of agreement seemed to pass between the two, even though no eye contact was made and Eric had no idea that they were looking. Tentative, they put a horse-like flipper on his shoulder to console him.

"Your hoof feels awfully fishy today, Horseman."

They chittered nervously.

"Is everything squiffy?"

They slapped their neck with their fishy hoof, scratching themselves from anxiety.

"It's just me, Horseman. You can tell me anything."

They chittered, flipping their face upwards and launching a horse mask into the sky. A grey, somewhat-cute-but-Eric-would-need-to-be-drunk dolphin face stood there, unveiled.

"You're fucking shitting me."

"Yeah baybee, Horseman was a dolphin the entire time!" They chirruped, shaking off the rest of the horse outfit until it revealed a hench dolphin body.

"You're a catfish!"


"You know what I meant! How could you do this to me? After everything we've been through?!"

"I just did, dude. That's life."

"God, you're cool. But I'm still mad! Don't forget that!" Eric yelled, sitting down on the boat.

"Now that I am a character that can talk, we should probably do that. You've gotten weird over the past few months, Eric. Talking to the ocean. Not noticing the fact that I am a dolphin. Hallucinating Edna to be some kind of weird lizard-human. We're all worried for you."

Edna scuttled down the side of the sail, landing on all-fours beside them.

"I just... I don't know what to do, gang. My entire life, these past few millennia, I always knew I was gonna end up with my sister's ex-fiance. But I didn't know he'd get robbed from me. Stolen. Thieved! Stolen!"

"You've already said that one." Horseman commented.

"Thanks, Horseman, I appreciate the help." Eric said, unfazed. "It's just... I don't know, we don't even have a plan. We don't know what we're looking for. How am I supposed to know what it is?"

"We'll totes know, bro. You just need to breathe and get some salt water in your system." They said, reaching over the side and grabbing a flipper-full of seawater.

Eric drank gracefully from their fish-hands. They maintained eye contact as he slurped, loving the burn in his throat tethering him to the mortal world. It was intimacy that he hadn't felt in months. Not since Gerald. He vowed that he'd do anything to have him by his side again, munching on igneous rocks and making fun of people who liked sedimentary ones. That's his dream, and he will get it.

"You're the best, H-swizzle. We're gonna do this, I just know it. Because we're a team, right, Edna?" Eric exclaimed.

"Yessssssss, my lord." 

Geric - The Golden EdnaWhere stories live. Discover now