-11- 𝕱𝖚𝖓 𝕯𝖆𝖞

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„Whoever is happy will make others happy too."
-Anne Frank


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Here I am with my ex boyfriend in a living room standing right in front of my brother.

Not gonna lie I thought I would never see him again. I felt like hugging him and never leaving his side.

without knowing tears streamed down my face. And oh god how much I hated to cry. Quite sobs left my trembling lips.

When I looked down to hide my face I saw familiar shoes coming near my eye sight. " I missed you so much kiddo" he said sincerely and hugged me like there's no tomorrow

"I missed you too" My words came with a muffled tone against his chest.

I hid my face in his chest and smelled his body scent I always loved his natural body scent the most it always reminded me of home...
... home? yes home is where Jinyoung is.

I don't care if he's not my biological brother I still love him like one...always and ever.

I broke the hug with a sniff
"Why did you choose over my faith? why did you think I needed protection? I don't want to have those gangsters in in my life who wants to order me around i'm not a kid."

I took a deep breath

"I just want the rest of your time being by your side and enjoy everything as long as we can" I said to him and crossed my arms

"Ara I know....I wanted the best for you, so I made that choice and besides that I didn't wanted you to see me like this anymore" he said while putting a hair strand over my ear

"I know you guys have to catch up but we have some serious problems going on right now so I prefer you guys sit down so we can plan what our next step is before we die,"

he looked at his watch "..what are you waiting for?" said a brown haired guy with pale skin and brownish eyes.

We sat down Jackson's still by my side

The guy who spoke to us, is on his laptop typing like a maniac.

"Do you want to drink something?" Jackson asked whime leaning closer "No thank you I'm good"
I turned his question down right away and looked at everyone in the room there where 6 good looking men sat down on the large sofa typing on their laptops...

"Ok guys we're screwed" the guy said with black hair and a honey like silky voice "Mark we need airplane tickets right now!"

he said through gritted teeth, his eyes never leaving the screen
„Ok, ok chill it's just a mafia wanting to kill us for a freakin blueprint ....oh wait I'll book tickets for LA" Mark joked while winking at me without Jinyoung nor Jackson knowing.

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